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Tag Archives: Hap’s Corner
Broken Record, T.S. Eliot, and Me…
by Hap Rocketto Three weeks before my 18th birthday, in January of 1965, the poet Thomas Sterns Eliot died. Oddly enough his wife Vivian died in January of 1947 within a few days of my birthday. Regardless of these curious … Continue reading
The “Tutsie-Fruitsie” Wagon
by Hap Rocketto My loyal fans will remember that I am a classic movie fan. I have just finished watching the Marx Brothers’ A Day At The Races. While trying to regain my breath after the gut wrenching comedy a … Continue reading
The Good Old Days
by Hap Rocketto When I made my first trip to Camp Perry I was overwhelmed by the long awaited and anticipated experience. Day after day of shooting, free meals three times a day in the Mess Hall, a Spartan but … Continue reading
Posted in Hap's Corner
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The Feng Shui of the Shooting Mat
by Hap Rocketto It was a typical early morning ride to a rifle match. As the sun was breaking free of the horizon I was at the wheel, as always. My brother Steve was riding shotgun and was awash, as … Continue reading
A Gunrunner in the Family
by Hap Rocketto When I was about 12 years old The Old Man got tired of catching me in the spider webs of untruths that I regularly spun to avoid, unsuccessfully I might add, being punished for the illicit acts … Continue reading
A Breif Tale of Cleaning Patches
by Hap Rocketto My brother is fond of giving books for presents and passed a volume entitled Floating off the Page to me for my last birthday. It contains a series of articles taken from the Wall Street Journal’s “middle … Continue reading
Doughnuts, is there anything they can’t do?
By Hap Rocketto During Perry 2001 I bumped into Jeff Doerschler at the NRA Smallbore Committee meeting and found that he had made the Dewar Team, but had yet to secure a coach. The person he most likely would have … Continue reading
Posted in Camp Perry, Hap's Corner
Tagged Dewar Team, Hap Rocketto, Hap's Corner, Jeff Doerschler
Initial Preference
Initial Preference By Hap Rocketto While sitting in the dentist’s office, awaiting a routine cleaning, I was surprised to find a magazine which was not yet old enough to be eligible for Medicaid. Amid the haystack like pile of typical … Continue reading
An Army Breakfast is no Mess to Haul….
An Army Breakfast is no Mess to Haul…. by Hap Rocketto In my salad days, when I was green in judgment, I did a cruise in the Navy and a hitch in the Army. The one consistent element, other than … Continue reading