by James Lee
Congratulations to the overall smallbore match winner of the Taunton JR 3P Freedom Match Alex Zadrozny with a 556. Second overall went to Mackenzie Martin with a 545 and third overall went to Kelly Rosales with a 542. Awards for Juniors…Jessica Mondillo 1st with a 514, Jessica Liston 2nd with a 507, and Kevin O’Reilly 3rd with a 501. Intermediate Juniors…Sarah MacLagan 1st with a 538, Margot Lee 2nd with a 530, and sub Juniors Sonya May 1st with a 436, Marc Benjamino 2nd with a 256 and Gennaro Ciatto 3rd with a 239. Marc, a 9 year old, shooting less than 1 year was cheered on by his mother and father, 2 grand parents and a coworkers of his fathers.
In Air Rifle, Jessica Liston took first with a 89.75, Alex Zadrozny the solo male took second with an 88 and Sarah MacLagan took third with a 86.25.