New York International Shooting Festival

The New York International Shooting Festival (Formerly the Empire State Games) is coming up on July 18th and 19th. This match is open to New York State residents only. You can learn more about the match in the match program below.

pdf New York International Shooting Festival

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USA Shooting Nationals, Day 7

Stealth reporter Hoskins sent in this photo of the Men’s prone results prior to the official posting on the web. Complete results are now posted below.

excel Day_7_Results_June_20


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USA Shooting Nationals, Day 6

Rick Johnson is on his way back from Ft Benning so we wont be getting his daily updates for the remainder of the USA Shooting Nationals. But, we will continue to post the results here and we are hoping to get a few reports from shooters that are still competing.

excel Day_6_Results_June_19

While waiting on Day 6 results to be officially posted, stealth reporter Hoskins sent in this covert blurry photo showing the top finishers in Women’s Air Rifle. That’s right, you saw it on first!


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6/18/09 HPM


A few of the "brave" souls that decided to shoot last night's HPM match in the rain...ya'll know the range is covered right? Foreground to background: Len Remaly, Chuck Cannon, and John Payton.

We had record low attendance at last night’s HPM. Many of our regular shooters are competing in GA and a few wimpy competitors decided to stay home because it was raining. There was very little wind but it was pretty dark with all of the rain clouds and downpours. I tested a few lots of Eley Black since the wind was fairly idle. The first lot was pretty good and gave me a 200-16x so I’m looking forward to testing it again to see if I get similar results. In the end, Len Remaly and myself ended up tied with a pair of 399-27xs narrowly beating out Chuck Cannon with a 398-31x . Len won the tiebreaker with the higher second stage target and won the match. Complete results are here.

After the match we were treated to a homemade blueberry/raspberry pie made by John Payton and his wife…delicious!

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RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 5


Army sweeps the podium in the Men's 3x40. Michael McPhail (second), Jason Parker (first), and Eric Uptagrafft (third)

RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 5
By Rick Johnson

These updates are from my memory. The final match results are not posted yet as the match is still in progress.

Jason Parker continued his fine shooting from yesterday by firing a 1173 today. On the first relay Matt Rawlings shot a super 390 standing. I was watching most of his shots and it was a site to see. As the second relay was starting the prone stage the range officials called a cease fire. There was a delay for VIP flyovers at Ft Benning. They were supposed to restart their prone stage around 2 pm. We left for the air conditioned rooms and will come back by 5:30 to watch the mens 3×40 finals. Stephen Scherer was the number one junior shooter.

The womens air rifle match was won by Jamie Beyerle. Jess Levine made it to the finals and was happy to get her first 100+ score in a final. Nice shooting Jess! –Rick

excel Day_5_Results_June_18

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Rick Johnson Jr is the MA Junior State Team coach, competitive smallbore shooter, and contributor to

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HPM Tonight

We will be shooting at Hopkinton tonight, despite the crap forecast…though I imagine our friends in GA would be happy to have a little 60º weather right now! I will open the range around 4ish if shooters want to try and get there 40 shots down range before the downpours.


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USA Shooting Nationals, Day 4


Hazy, Hot, and Humid. Oppressive heat bears down on GA as the USA Shooting Nationals progress.

RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 4
By Rick Johnson

Wicked hot here in GA! Really, I’m a freekin’ weatherman and it truly IS the heat.

Day four results. VP Erik Hoskins arrived and got to shoot some prone in the afternoon for the official training. Hoskins said “windy, switchy, and what the hell are these electronic thingys….I’m the youngest old school shooter here.”

The first day of the mens 3×40 and womens air rifle were shot. Leading the day were Jason Parker with a 1173, Eric Uptagraft shot a 1165, Michael Mcphail with a 1164. For the women air match Jamie Beyerle is first with a 397, Emily Caruso with a 395 and Denise Martin with a 395. New England Junior shooter highlights were Kim Coffey with a personal best at 383 and Jess Levine shot a very nice 386.

More to follow tomorrow,

excel Day_4_Results_June_17

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Rick Johnson Jr is the MA Junior State Team coach, competitive smallbore shooter, and contributor to

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RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 3

Rick Johnson is at the USA Shooting Nationals at Ft Benning GA in his capacity as MA State Jr Team coach and will be providing his perspective on the events as they unfold.

Well, due to an important business meeting last night with some of the management team at I was not able to get my daily report in. So here it is a day late.

The women’s 3×20 matches concluded on Tuesday with Jamie Beyerle ( 1152+97.8 ) earning the top spot on the podium for the second year in a row. Sarah Scherer ( 1148 + 97.2 ) ended up 5th overall and 1st in the A class. Rena Goodwin ( 1111 ) placed 3rd in her class and Kim Coffey ( 1107 ) narrowly missed a 3rd place finish by 2 points in her class.

The mens air rifle matches finished with West Virginia U. shooter Bryant Wallizer earning the victory by firing a 1184 2-day total. Stephen Scherer easily won the junior title with a 1175. Interestingly, the junior finals were conducted first with Stephen winning then the overall finals were conducted. Stephen shot his second finals in about an hour. He placed 8th overall in the match. I’m not sure why they didn’t run a combined final.

Next is the men’s 3×40 matches and women’s air rifle.

excel Day_3_Results_June_16

Rick Johnson Jr is the MA Junior State Team coach, competitive smallbore shooter, and contributor to

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Rotterdam, NY Metric Prone Regional [UPDATED]


Left to Right: Dan Holmes (2nd place overall) and Erik Hoskins (1st place overall). Charlie Daniels (Third place overall) was not available for photo.

UPDATE: Complete results are now available for download

I’d like to thank Ron Michon and his scoring team for running a great match and getting the scores out quickly and accurately. Ron runs his matches so you can shoot all 240 shots (or 320 if conventional) in one day. It’s hard on the body, but it’s nice to be able to squeeze a 2 day regional into one day if you have a conflict on one of the days. We had good conditions in the morning with iron sights and at the end of the irons match Erik Hoskins and myself were tied at 1170-58. I won the tie breaker by having the higher score on all of the 100 yard targets combined. In the afternoon conditions deteriorated, the wind picked up and the mirage became difficult to handle. Hoskins showed his skill with scope and mirage and slowly distanced himself from the rest of the field to take the Any Sight Agg and the Grand Agg.

Irons Winner by tie breaker:
Dan Holmes 1170-58

Any sights winner:
Erik Hoskins 1179-66

Overall winners:
Erik Hoskins 2349-124
Dan Holmes 2338-112
Charlie Daniels 2310-80

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Mid-Atlantic 6400 Results

JUSTIN TRACY    1599-131X

DAVE CRAAMER   1599-131X

DAVE CRAMER   3197-260X

DAVE CRAMER     1600-144X

DAVE CRAMER    1600-149X

DAVE CRAMER     3200-293X
JUSTIN TRACY     3200-286X

DAVID CRAMER                6397-553X    WINNER
JUSTIN TRACY                  6395-542X     1ST MASTER
RONALD WIGGER             6393-501X     2ND MA

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RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 2

RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 2
By Rick Johnson Jr

Rick Johnson is at the USA Shooting Nationals at Ft Benning GA in his capacity as MA State Jr Team coach and will be providing his perspective on the events as they unfold.

I would like to offer all the readers my  apology for neglecting some fine shooters from New England. Hap  correctly pointed out my errors in geography when I only included New  England shooters from MA and NH. Apparently Rhode Island, Connecticut,  Maine and Vermont are still part on New England. Tom Csenge from NH, Kim Chrostowski is from RI while Josie Burzynski, Claudia Duksa and Libby Tallberg are from CT and there may be others I just don’t know about.

Today the men started day 1 of their air rifle event and the women had day 1 of the 3×20 event. Having the weather back home be unseasonably cool makes the heat and humidity feel even worse here. Luckily for the air rifle shooters there is some air conditioning in their range not so for the 50 meter range. It is just hot and sweaty in that tin can.

I’m going to limit my synopsis to one shooter today, Kim Coffey. That is what a 22 hour car ride will do to you. Kim showed some of her soccer team Captain skills today by gritting out a difficult performance. Throughout the day I watched her shoot 95% of the time. Her prone was real solid. Nice tight groups centered on the 10 ring. However, she dropped 2 8’s at 6 and 7 o’clock. She ended up with a 192. We talked about it between equipment changes and I just chalked it up to ammo. One of the shots she called slightly low the other one was a solid inner ten. Not what she expected but still OK. Now on to standing.

After getting set up she was taking tons of sighters and using up valuable time. In watching her I could not figure out what was going on. The shots were either falling in the 9 or 10 ting or 6-7 ring. This is not good. She left the line to talk to me several times. We could not figure out what was going on. She ended up shooting a sub-par 167. Kneeling was another story all together. Time was running short so a quick equipment change and it off to the races. She took a good amount of time getting settled and then just ran off a solid 188 kneeling in about 12 minutes. It was real nice to watch. Kim finished the day with a disappointing 547 but I’m hopeful that the good kneeling performance will carry through tomorrows 3×20 match.

Sarah Scherer fired a 567 for 17th place 8 points off the leader Jamie Beyerle. Rena Goodwin fired a 550 with a nice standing score of 185.Tom Csenge shot a 585 to get 12th place while Bobby Mangaudis fired a nice 570 in air rifle to land him in 44th place.

Complete results are below.

Check-in with you all tomorrow, I’m tired. –Rick

excel Day_2_Results_June_15

Rick Johnson Jr is the MA Junior State Team coach, competitive smallbore shooter, and contributor to

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RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 1

RJ’s Report: USA Shooting Nationals, Day 1
By Rick Johnson

Rick Johnson is at the USA Shooting Nationals at Ft Benning GA in his capacity as MA State Jr Team coach and will be providing his perspective on the events as they unfold.

The women’s prone events were held today with two 60 shot matches fired. The first relay was an early 8am start while the second relay was a very warm 1:30 start. The conditions for the first relay was very calm winds but the scores did not reflect that. The high score fired by Amy Sowash was “only” a 592. Five other competitors fired a 590. New England shooters were Jess Levine with a 581, Kim Coffey with at 574, Sarah Maclagan with a 571 and Rena Goodwin shot a 563. Everyone was hopeful for better scores and performances on the second relay.

Relay 2 started with some fine Georgia heat and humidity. To combat this heat, between relays Kim Coffey decided to test the “prone belly” theory and went to Denny’s for a Grand Slam breakfast. It seemed to help Kim as she brought her score up 9 points to finish with at 583 to finish in 28th place overall. Jess Levine fired a 573, Rena Goodwin fired a 561 and Sarah MacLagan a 556. The women will compete in the 3×20 over the next 2 days. The men start their air matches tomorrow.

After both stages of prone Abigal Fong came out on top with an 1182, followed by Kelly Dove with an 1180 in second, and Michelle Bohren in third with an 1179.

excel Day_1_Results_June_14

Rick Johnson Jr is the MA Junior State Team coach, competitive smallbore shooter, and contributor to

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June 13th, USA Shooting National Championships

June 13th, USA Shooting National Championships
By Rick Johnsom

Today was the official training day for the rifle and pistol events. Competitors had to register and complete their equipment checks for the competitions. The ranges were open for official training for the competitors to insure their firearms survived the trip to GA. It is also a good time for shooters to get familiar with the electronic target systems used on both ranges. In the afternoon we were blessed with some winds from some thunderstorms. Tomorrow is the womens prone competition, 2 matches will be fired at 8am and 1:30pm. Good luck and good shooting to Sarah Maclagan, Rena Goodwin and Kim Coffey. –Rick

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2009 USA Shooting National Championships

2009 USA Shooting National Championships–Ft Benning, GA
By Rick Johnson

This week I will be providing the readers of with daily updates from the rifle matches taking place here at Ft Benning. Many competitors from the New England area are competing in the rifle events. The weather looks like typical Georgia weather, hot and humid with a chance of afternoon thundershowers. Luckily the airgun range is air conditioned. Women and men will be competing in (2) 40 or 60 shot air rifle matches, (2) 60 shot prone matches and (2) 60 or 120 shot 3-position matches. I look forward reporting on lots of great performances over the next week. –Rick

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For Sale: Storm im2975 Gear Case


I bought this case about a 1.5 years ago and used it to carry all of my shooting equipment. The case has a padded divider system and tray that allows you to adjust and create over 30 different compartments in the case. I found that the case was bigger than I needed (and is rather heavy) so I have since moved to something smaller. There are plenty of scratches on the outside of the case but it functions like new. The case retails for approximately $350 new with the padded divider system (the dividers for this case retail for $150 by themselves). I would like to get $175 for the complete package. I would prefer to sell it in the New England area and avoid shipping the item. I’m at a lot of matches in New England so a transfer at a match could be a possibility.

You can download the brochure with complete specifications here.

Comment on this post, use the contact form, or email me if you are interested.

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Upcoming Prone Matches

13-14 June-NY Metric Prone Regional at Rotterdam

13-14 June-NRA Prone Regional at Blue Trail

28 June-RI Metric Prone Championship at Smithfield (Match Program)

18-19 July-Metric Prone Regional at Bell City (Match Program)

26-30 July-Camp Perry

Quaker Hill Nite Owl each Tuesday night
Quaker Practice Friday mornings at 10am
HPM Nite Owl on Thursdays


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Goodwill Randle Team Fundraiser

The 2008 Randle Team Back row: Kris Kraemer, Jaymi Collar, Micelle Bohren, Reya Kemply, Ginger Mclamore, Edie Fleeman, Kim Chrostowski, Nancy Tompkins, Jim Grant (Witness) Front row: Karen Monez, Michelle Bauer, Becky Hershberger, Leslie Angeli Claudia Duksa, Kristen Torento. Photo by Hap Rocketto

The Goodwill Randle Team is traveling to England with the Roberts Team to shoot at Bisley shoulder to shoulder with the British Goodwill Randle Team in August 2009.

Since the Goodwill Randle Team has to pay their own way, the NRA, through Mr. Howard Moody, has donated four free 2010 National Championship entries for the Goodwill Randle fundraiser.

There are two for Camp Perry (one for prone and one for 3-P) and there are two for the new Metric Championship, which starts in 2010 (one for prone and one for 3-P). The new Metric Championship will be the weekend before Camp Perry and will be held in Indiana about 200-250 miles from Camp Perry. It will be two days of prone (Fri & Sat) followed by two days of 3-P (Sun & Mon).

3-P Raffle tickets are $5.00 each
Prone Raffle tickets are $10.00 each or three for $25.00

The entries can be sold by the winner as no name will be on the certificate.

The winner with the first ticket drawn can select their award, Camp Perry or the Metric Championship. The second ticket drawn will receive the other entry.

Chances are 1 in 100. The drawing will be at the 2009 Black Hawk dinner at Camp Perry.

Tickets can be purchased from Kim Chrostowski, 401-523-0299, kchrost1 *AT*


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By Dan Holmes 

This spring I decided to try a bloop tube on the end of my barrel to see if it helped me see the front sight more clearly. So 2 months ago, I started shooting irons with the new tube and was very pleased with the improvement in sight picture (and I think think it helped my sight alignment, as well). In fact, I was so pleased with my results that I just kept shooting irons, leaving my trusty scope in my bag in favor of getting the extra practice with the metallic sights prior to Camp Perry.

Then, at last Thursday’s HPM, I decided I would throw the scope back on in preparation for the MA State Championship. I left the new bloop tube on my barrel but took off the front sight and riser block (I should note that my particular tube has three holes in the end of it to accommodate a sight block if one is desired). After the match, I wasn’t real pleased with my results. My groups were widely dispersed and shots were not going where I was calling them. I chalked it up to the fact that I wasn’t shooting my “good” lot of ammo–I have taken to hoarding my good lot of Eley because I only have 1500 rounds left and can’t afford to do some proper lot testing and the moment. Continue reading

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2009 RI 3P State Championship


Andrew Roland...well, his elbow, John S Cialek, Catherine Green, Kim Chrostowski, Lisette Grunwell-Lacey, Dave Gomes, Joe Graf, Mike Metivier, John J Cialek, Erik Hoskins and Bob Lynn

2009 RI 3P State Championship
By Joe Graf 

A mild and calm Sunday morning greeted eleven competitors at the 2009 RI NRA Metric 3-Position Regional/State Championship.  South County Rod & Gun Club, located in West Greenwich, RI, hosted the match.  This 120-shot match started with two points separating the top four scores upon completion of the prone stage of the match.  Erik Hoskins of Rehobeth, MA edged out Bob Lynn of Windham, NH by just 6X, to take the prone match.  Both fired a 392; Erik had 24 X’s and Bob’s had 18 X’s.  Just two points behind were Kim Chrostowski of Rockville, RI and Lisette Grunwell-Lacey of Old Lyme, CT.  On the junior side of the match, Catherine Green of Coventry RI took the prone stage firing a 376.

With the equipment change complete for the offhand stage of the match, the wind picked up and became quite variable.  Andrew Roland from Lake Oswego, OR who was in RI visiting fiancé Kim Chrostowski, vaulted to the lead after shooting a 368 with 9X.  Just one point behind Andrew’s offhand score was junior shooter Catherine Green.  Kim Chrostowski’s 363 and Lisette Grunwell-Lacey’s 361 was enough to keep them within reach for the 3-Position title.

Moving to kneeling, Andrew Roland continued to pull away from the pack.  His 382 in kneeling beat out Lisette Grunwell-Lacey’s 379 and allowed him to win the 3-Position aggregate.  His 1136 earned him the NRA Gold Medal for the NRA Regional Match and a Camp Perry Certificate.  Lisette Grunwell-Lacey took the NRA Silver Medal for her 3-Position aggregate of 1130.

Kim Chrostowski took the State Championship title after firing a 366 in kneeling to bring her 3-Position aggregate score to a total of 1119.  Catherine Green continued to excel on the junior side of the match.  Her 353 in kneeling gave her a 3-Position aggregate score 1096 and the title Junior State Champion.

The scores from the other competitors can be seen downloaded below.

pdf 2009-ri-3p-state-championship

Special thanks to Joe Chrostowski for scoring the match and Larry Metivier for calling the line.

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2009 MA State Smallbore Championship

CaptionErik Hoskins displays his cool demeanor and rock steady hold on the way to a pair of Massachusetts State Championships. 

The 2009 Massachusetts Smallbore State Championships
By Digby Hand

The 2009 Massachusetts Smallbore State Championships were held June 6th, at the Harvard Sportsmen’s Club. Rick Johnson and his crew of volunteers did an excellent job of running the match. Scores were posted quickly and everyone on the firing line enjoyed themselves immensely.

For the second year in a row, Erik Hoskins swept the State Championships grabbing top honors with a 597-35x prone and an 1124-36x in 3-position.  Hoskins grabbed control straight out of the gate in the prone tournament, a perfect term as it was also the day of the Belmont Stakes-the third jewel in horseracing’s triple crown, with a 198X200 prone posting a two point lead on his next nearest competitor New Hampshire’s Bob Lynn.  A perfect 200 on the second card increased his lead still further, while a 199X200 gave him a 597X600 total, slamming the door on Lynn, who was second with a 586 and third place Dan Holmes, who posted a 580X600.  Brian Jyklla’s 588X600 was top junior score while Bobby Mangaudis took the resident title.

The Three Position match got underway with Hoskins, still hot prone, winning it with a 398X400.  Jessica Levine made a valiant effort to overcome a poor prone start with a very fine standing score of 368X400 which gave her a slight lead on Hoskins.  In the final match, kneeling, Kim Coffey fired a 379X400 to take the match.  In the long run Hoskins’ consistent shooting gave him an aggregate of 1124, a two point margin in the junior match winner, Jylkka. Kim Coffey took the Junior 3P resident title.

In the team matches, Digby Hand Black of Holmes, Remaly, and Hoskins took top honors in both the prone and 3-position matches.

Complete results can be viewed below.

pdf 2009 MA Smallbore State Championship Results

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6/4/09 HPM

Finally, we had perfect conditions at HPM last night! Overcast, warm, and no wind set the stage for some great scores. In fact the top 3 scores were all clean, which is pretty rare at Hopkinton because of the often variable wind conditions. In third place, Len Remaly finished with an outstanding 400-30x with irons! Unfortunately for Len, that was the last 50 rounds of that particular Eley lot. In second, Chuck Cannon demonstrated that at 72 years old, he can still kick some ass with a 400-32X. And Erik Hoskins proved he has not forgotten how to shoot “glass” during his recent training stint with “irons,” he drilled a 400-35x with scope to finish first. Complete results are here.

Going into the second stage of last night’s match, I heard Margot Lee exclaim “there’s a dragonfly on my target!” Being the courteous competitor that I am, I promptly adjusted my natural point-of-aim to her target 3 positions over, took a breath, and divided the dragonfly in half. Now everyone knows that a dragonfly hit in a conventional prone match is worth 3 points (conventional NRA matches only)…therefor I really won last night’s match but I won’t spoil it for the boys that were just shooting paper.

The aftermath. Target photo provided by James Lee.

The aftermath. Dan Holmes' dragonfly hit at 100 yards. Target photo provided by James Lee.

After the match, in addition to our usual Italian fare, we were treated to cupcakes baked by Loraine Lee and blueberry cake baked by Mikey Remaly. Plus, James Lee cooked popcorn over the coals of the fire…delicious.


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