The 2009 HPM Steak Dinner (8/27)

We’re orderin’ the victuals for this years’s HPM Steak Dinner. The dinner will be August 27th following the normal 40 shot prone match. We need to know whether you’re planning on joining us for this sumptuous repast! Please register below if you are planning on attending. We will commence firing promptly at 6pm and dinner will follow after the match. The price of the match and dinner will be $15-$20 per person and will include a thick NY Strip Steak, Homemade BBQ Salad, and baked potato. Bring your own beverage and a good knife and fork!

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US Roberts Team Update Exclusive

from Hap Rocketto, US Team Adjutant from Bisley Camp

US Contingent arrived safe and sound, no rain, but lots of wind and very challenging mirage. The Brits Goodwill Randle Team beat the US Ladies by 9 points. The Roberts Team shoots on Friday. -Hap

Hap will be calling immediately after the Roberts Team match to give us the results and we will post them after we receive the phone call. We will also post the results on twitter so follow us.

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GA Metric Smallbore Rifle Prone Match Results

by Tommy Steadman

Here are the official (final) summary results bulletin for Saturday’s metric smallbore prone 1600 in GA and a group photo of the competitors.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Linda Steadman for managing the stat office, scoring and photography and to Jim Hinkle for his scoring, especially his patience while rescoring sixteen targets to break the match winner tie.

The next smallbore match at River Bend Gun Club will be our NRA conventional state championship 3200 on Saturday and Sunday, September 19 and 20.  The match program and entry form are available in the smallbore section of the RBGC website at

pdf 2009-ga-prone-mteric-1600-championship-0815


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Wilkes Barre, PA Prone State Championship

pdf 2009-pa-prone-state-championship

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Doughnuts, is there anything they can’t do?

By Hap Rocketto

During Perry 2001 I bumped into Jeff Doerschler at the NRA Smallbore Committee meeting and found that he had made the Dewar Team, but had yet to secure a coach.  The person he most likely would have chosen, his shooting and running mate Jay Sonneborn, was Dewar Team Captain and unavailable.  Knowing that the NRA provides hot Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and cold milk for the Dewar Team firing members and coaches I quickly threw myself into the breech, so to speak.  Jeff graciously accepted my offer, not knowing my ulterior motive.

I actually have some experience coaching the Dewar.  My first encounter with the duty of Dewar coach came when Don Durbin, the Officer In Charge of the All National Guard Team, asked me to assist him in 1986.  Don was a great shooter and a member of the 1984 Olympic Team.  Why he picked me I’ll never know.  I suspect there were two reasons.  The first being it that he couldn’t get any other Guard shooter to get up early on a morning when they could sleep late.   I was just enough taken with myself to think I was given a deserved honor, when in fact I probably earned it by default.  I showed up bright an early with mat and scope and never left Don’s side.  When we got into position I asked him just what he wanted me to do. Continue reading

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A few upcoming prone matches around the country…

Michigan State Prone Championship (Bulletin)

Arizona Metric Prone State Championship (Bulletin)

Massachusetts Fall Foliage Regional (Bulletin)

California Conventional Prone State Championship (Bulletin)

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Indoor Metric Prone Match (with 100 yards)

UPDATE: Here is the match bulletin.

Details are still being worked out for this unique indoor metric 2400 prone match, but we wanted to pass along the preliminary information ASAP so you can mark your calendar. This might be one of the few (if not the only) registered indoor smallbore matches featuring 100 yard distances. We will provide you with full match details and registration information as soon as it becomes available.

1st Annual “No Excuses” Indoor 2400
October 31 – November 1, Raleigh, NC

Wake County Firearms Education and Training Center
Commence Fire: 8am daily, firing complete by 12:30

With enough interest, a 6pm relay MAY be available
2400 agg: $40 for adults, $20 for juniors
1200 agg: $30 for adults, $15 for juniors

Registration to begin by the end of August by email

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Drew Cup featured a video of the Drew Cup which was narrated by’s Hap Rocketto.

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Intense Debate has installed the new Intense Debate commenting engine that offers some pretty cool new features to our readers. The goal of this improvement is to encourage discussion amongst our readers (and authors) and help develop the community. Here are a few of the exciting new comment features (from the Intense Debate website):

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River Bend Gun Club Metric Prone 1600

River Bend Gun Club’s last metric 1600 of the season is coming up on August 15th in GA. Get your entries in soon before they fill up. You can download the match bulletin here.

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Dewar Trophy Match featured a video of the Dewar Trophy Match which was narrated by’s Hap Rocketto.

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Hopkinton Prone Matches Resume Tonight

Tonight is first of the remaining 4 HPM matches. Make sure your mark your calendar for the last match (8/27) for the the super steak feed.

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The Randle Trophy Match featured a video of the Randle Trophy Match which was narrated by’s Hap Rocketto.

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Postpartum depression (PPD) to the the general public…Post Perry Depression to the competitive shooting world.

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Scheduled Maintenance for servers will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, August 6th 2009 10:00 PM to 4:00 AM PT Friday, August 7th 2009.

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The Lake Erie Dead Zone

By Hap Rocketto

It was a dreary Sunday early in October and we were heading up to Blue Trail Range for a Connecticut Big Bore League make up match.  It had rained cats and dogs in April on the day the season began causing a postponement and here it was, on the rain date, with the leaden sky spitting on us again.  Call it symmetry or call it bad luck but things were not looking good.  It had rained on the first day of the season and here it was, six months later, raining on the last day of the season. It was hard to work up enthusiasm for the match but it was a team obligation that must be met, even though we were in serious danger of being rained out again.

The Red Sox had been eliminated from the post season just a few days earlier so what little conversation that broke the early morning quiet was somewhat half hearted baseball talk from the disappointed fans.  The radio, turned down low and tuned to public radio to listen to weather reports, droned on in the background.  This is our standard protective practice for drives to rifle matches; for reasons unknown early Sunday morning non public radio programming in Connecticut is unexplainably given over completely to evangelists and polka music. Continue reading

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The Team Match Day Speech (Team Day at Camp Perry)

The Team Match Day Speech, for the benefit of Team Digby Hand
By Hap Rocketto

If we are mark’d for defeat, we are enow
To do Digby Hand loss; and if to win,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.

That he which hath no stomach to this match,
Let him depart; his passport shall be drawn,
And NRA Award Points for convoy put into his purse:
We would not shoot in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to shoot with us.

This day is called Team Match Day:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Digby Hand.

He that shall see day, and live old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Team Match Day:’
Then will he open the match bulletin and point to his name.
And say ‘These scores I shot on Team Match Day.’

Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember with advantages
What Xs he shot that day: then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words,
Adams the Coach, Glenn and Holmes, Graf and Hoskins,
Remaly and Doerschler, Carpenter, Lynn, and the Brothers Rocketto
Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d. Continue reading

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Some 2009 Camp Perry Pics

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New issue of Shooting Sports USA now available

The new issue of Shooting Sports USA is now available online here.


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