from Hap Rocketto, US Team Adjutant from Bisley Camp
US Contingent arrived safe and sound, no rain, but lots of wind and very challenging mirage. The Brits Goodwill Randle Team beat the US Ladies by 9 points. The Roberts Team shoots on Friday. -Hap
Hap will be calling immediately after the Roberts Team match to give us the results and we will post them after we receive the phone call. We will also post the results on twitter so follow us.
About H
Dan started shooting competitive smallbore in 1986. During his Junior career, he earned two national junior team titles as well as local and regional wins. After a 10 year year hiatus to attend college and start a family, Dan returned to the sport and has added local, sectional and regional wins to his shooting resume. Dan is a Distinguished Rifleman, National Record Holder, U.S Dewar Team Member, Black Hawk Rifle Club Member, Digby Hand Schützenverein member, and is the founder of He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and 2 children.
The last day of the aggregate is tomorrow. an English Match at 100 yards. Tarl Kempley is in the lead for the agg, with Kevin Nevius in top five. Good weather with some terrible conditions-mirage and whirling winds.
The team is in high spirits-mostly the local brews, with an occasional gin and tonic to break the monotony.
Lots of formal dinners and protocol.
The Roberts will be shot on Friday at 2PM-9AM EDT. I will report soon after by phone to Erik.
Adjutant to the Stars
Thanks for the update Hap. Good luck Friday.
I'm going to go make a gin and tonic now.
The 2009 Roberts Team is:
Nevius and Gideon coached by Fleeman
Sprecher and Gray coached by Tracy
Dubis and Chrostowski coached by Rocketto
T. Kempley and Delcotto coached by Cramer
Tompkins and McLemore coached by Wigger
T. Kemply was second overall. There are other indivdual awards.
More later.
Adjutant to the Stars
Unfortunately for you guys, us Brits won in the end – by something like 36 points.
You had to rub it in, eh Rob? 🙂