VT:Postal League, Week 2 Results

VT:Postal League, Week 2 Results: 2017-vt-postal-week-2 (PDF, 94KB)

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2017 Net Competitor Winter Games

2017 Net Competitor Winter Games
Net Competitor is proud to announce the 2017 Winter Games, a 5 week, 13 discipline shooting competition featuring a bonus week 6 championship round for the top 8 shooters of each discipline. The event will be held online January 30th – March 12th on Net Competitor, like a modern “Postal League”.


  • Compete from Anywhere in the World
  • Shoot Targets at Your Range or Home
  • NO Scanner/Electronic Scoring Required
  • Enter or Import Scores on the Website


The league is open to individuals and teams, juniors and seniors of any skill level. Shoot in any or all of 13 different disciplines in rifle, pistol, shotgun and archery, and for the first time on Net Competitor, two rifle & pistol combo matches! These matches are available FREE if you register for both rifle and pistol disciplines in either .22 smallbore or air.  For new shooters who are just learning, have some fun in the low-pressure “rookie” division. It’s a great way to learn the sport of shooting.
The cost to register is $5 per person per discipline, $3 for Rookie Divisions, with no extra charge to form teams.


  • .22 Smallbore Rifle Prone
  • .22 Smallbore Rifle Prone – Rookie Division
  • .22 Smallbore Rifle 3 Position*
  • 10 Meter Air Rifle Standing**
  • 10 Meter Air Rifle Standing – Rookie Division
  • 10 Meter Air Rifle Prone – Rookie Division
  • 10 Meter Air Rifle 3 Position
  • Free Pistol
  • Precision (Bullseye) Pistol*
  • NRA PQC Style Action Pistol
  • 10 Meter Air Pistol**
  • Trap
  • 300 Round Archery


*Smallbore Combo Match – 3P Rifle and Precision Pistol
**Air Combo Match – Standing Air Rifle and Air Pistol


There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards for individuals & teams in each discipline.  Awards will also be given for the top 3 individuals in the 2 combo matches, along with a league champion in week 6! Additionally, we’ll be awarding special recognition prizes for:


* high junior * high senior * highest X count (rifle, pistol & archery) * longest hit streak (trap) * most improved rookie (air & .22)


Register before Feb 5th and shoot your targets at your local range. Log into the site and enter your scores by each weeks deadline. Firing ahead and submitting scores in advance is allowed.  Please help us by spreading the word and posting our flyer where you shoot!  You can download the flyer here:  http://www.netcompetitor.com/media/WinterGamesFlyer.pdf

For more information and to register for the Winter Games visit the league website on Net Competitor at http://wintergames.netcompetitor.com

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VT:Postal League, Week 1 Results

VT:Postal League, Week 1 Results: 2017-vt-postal-week-1 (PDF, 94KB)

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January 2017 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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TN: CMP State Championship, Jan 27-28

TN: CMP State Championship, Jan 27-28: 2017 Match Program Official (PDF, 82KB)

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NY: Plattsburgh Jan Results

NY: Plattsburgh Jan Results: 2017-ny-plattsburg-jan (PDF, 44KB)

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Let the Good Times Roll

by Hap Rocketto

My wife Margaret was getting tired of me shooting a rifle match at least one day every weekend all summer long. In desperation she finally me asked if she could accompany me one weekend to see what attracted me to the sport which occupied so much of my discretionary time.

Thinking it might be a good experience for her to see what a day’s serious shooting entailed I readily agreed, but on one condition, she would do everything concerning with participating in the match, except the shooting, with me as I did it. She agreed and so I selected my next match which happened to be an 800 point across the course event.

Wednesday night we loaded 150 rounds of ammunition.

Thursday we inventoried and tidied up my gear to insure that we had everything in my carry bag, and shooting stool that we would need for the match.

Friday we laid everything out in the basement and ran a patch down the barrel of the rifle.

Saturday morning I shook her awake at 4:00 AM.

I then had her make our lunch and pack it in a cooler with some cold drinks. She then made us breakfast and helped me carry my gear to the car.

Leaving the house at 5:00 AM we drove to pick up my brother and thence to pick up Shawn Carpenter. She helped the guys load their gear into the car and tried to rest as I drove to the range to the tune of the boys’ early morning snores.

We arrived at the range at about 7AM only to have to stand in line for 15 or 20 minutes to complete registration and pick up our squadding.

About 7:30AM we unloaded the car and arranged our gear for the match.

The squadding sheet had us going to the pits first. We gathered up a bottle of water, head sets, and rain gear and headed down range.

After arriving in the pits we drew a target and placed it in the carrier, inventoried our pit supply box, and shook hands all around as we greeted the other members of our relay.

The first round went down range at 9:00AM and we pulled 66 shots standing for the opposite relays.

At about 10:30 we ran the targets to half mast for the rapid sitting match which lasted, because there were no alibis, a mere 45 minutes.

We the left the pits do go the same shooting evolution for our relay plus our 300 yard match.

We scored, I prepped, and shot while she looked on as I scattered shots all about my target.

In the middle of the afternoon we were back in the pits, accompanied by the cooler, to have lunch and pull three relays of 300 yard rapid and 600 yard slow.

While we were in the pits the sun disappeared and we suffered through a few rain showers. The sun came out as we trudged through the wet grass to the 600 yard line and our last relay.

Through threatening skies, switching winds, and changing light we scored and then I again prepared for shooting and completed the match without much glory.

We then packed up all of my gear and loaded it back into the car. My gear went in first, then Steve’s, then Shawn’s so it would all come out in the correct order as we dropped off our companions.

After hawking the board we departed for home with wet socks, hungry, dirty, hot, sweaty, and tired. I drove accompanied, as usual, by the discordant snores of the boys and something new, the soft rhythm of my sleeping wife’s breathing.

After unloading both our passengers and their gear we arrived home in the same darkness as we had departed some14 hours earlier.

We unloaded the car, wiped down the rifle, put it back into the safe, and, after a shower, we had a quiet late dinner of leftovers.

With drooping eyelids she headed off to bed yawning.

“Margaret!” I called after her, “Don’t forget that tomorrow morning we will have to clean the rifle and sort the brass.”

As a final thought I added, “And I bet that all along you thought that I was having a good time, didn’t you?”

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2016 Net Competitor Kick-Off League Final Results

2016 Net Competitor Kick-Off League Final Results

Score entry is closed, the challenge period has ended, and the results of The 2016 Net Competitor Kick-Off League are in! The first annual Kick-Off League, sponsored by Gun Girls, Inc. and SportExcel, featured 8 disciplines and was held across 16 states and 3 countries! This was the first in a series of matches we’ll be running every year, beginning with Monthly Matches and The Winter Games on Jan. 30th.

After 5 exciting weeks of shooting, here are the highlights of the conclusion of this year’s Kick-Off League.

Free Pistol

Dan Brown won first place with a total score of 1356, averaging 271 points a week! Trent Hering took second with a score of 1263, and Susan Brown had third, scoring 1253. This was an exciting match to watch. Great shooting in such a challenging discipline!

Precision (Bullseye) Pistol

Fletcher White definitively held first place with a total score of 1471, ending very strong with an very impressive 297 for his week 5 score! Dan Brown had second place with 1461 and Trent Hering was third, scoring 1424. Trent came back strong in week 5 with his best score of the match to take that third spot, topping Ben King by just two points!

.22 Rifle Prone

Of the 2000 possible points, Roger McRoberts missed only 14 of them, scoring 1986. He finished a solid performance all month where he started, in first place! Not far off that mark, Jeffrey Walters with 1979 points and Hap Rocketto with 1975 have claimed the second and third place spots, respectively.

.22 Rifle Prone Rookie Division

Rachel Biscoe held her spot on top with a total score of 661. Robert Biscoe claimed second place shooting a 616, followed by Caroline Gallagher for third place shooting her best score yet, 57 points higher than week 4!

10 Meter Air Pistol

In a tight race, Dan Brown has stayed on top of the pack! He wrapped up the month with a 1411 score. Christopher Alto, who was trailing Susan Brown by 3 points last week, claimed second place for the finish! His 1407 was just three points over Susan who took third. That’s right, just 7 points between third and first. Wow!

.22 3P Rifle

With the highest score shot all month by anyone, a 298, Dwayne Fund firmly gripped that number one spot wrapping up the month with a score of 1451! Craig Speirs had second place with a solid 1402 score, and hello Wesley Shumaker! He has stepped it up in week 5 to leapfrog into to third place!

3P Air Rifle

Aaron McCommon hung on to claim the first place prize with a score of 1325! Josie Clark, who has been right there with Aaron claimed second place with 1321, and Wesley Smith was third with 1315. With only 10 points between those three, this had us on the edge of our seats to the end!


Following last week’s perfect 25 score Ken Kessler inched up to first place with a score of 113, beating out Louis Dash who also shot a 113 but missed his second to last bird! Just one point back, Doug Bottcher grabbed third place. He just barely beat out Randy Poelstra for that spot who’s 111 was just 1 miss shy.

For a complete listing of results visit the league website at http://kickoff.postalleague.com

Participants of this competition received 40 awards, stickers and 16 product prizes donated from our sponsors, along with a 30% discount offer on “Mind vs. Target” by Bob Palmer to everyone through the end of the year! Thank you Gun Girls, Inc. and SportExcel for partnering with us for the first of our quarterly leagues!

Upcoming 2017 Net Competitor Quarterly League Dates

Winter Games – Jan 30 – Mar 12 – Register

Spring League – May 1 – Jun 4

Summer Games – Jul 31 – Sep 10

Kick-Off League – Oct 30 – Dec 3

Upcoming Matches on Net Competitor:

Net Competitor Monthly Matches

Dec 31, 2016 – Register

IER&PA Tournament 

Jan 3, 2017 – Register

ISRPA Postal Match Program

Jan 8, 2017 – Register

National Rifle League (VT Winter Postal)

Jan 14, 2017 – Register

Net Competitor Monthly Matches

Jan 31, 2017 – Register

Net Competitor Winter Games

Feb 5, 2017 – Register

Look for Trap and Free Pistol to return along with additional disciplines in pistol, rifle, shotgun and archery in our upcoming monthly matches and quarterly leagues!

Hope to see you all in the Winter Games!

Individual Winners

.22 Free Pistol

1. 1356 18x Dan Brown

2. 1263 11x Trent Hering

3. 1253 5x Susan Brown

.22 Precision Pistol

1. 1471 52x Fletcher White

2. 1461 39x Dan Brown

3. 1424 28x Trent Hering

.22 Rifle Prone

1. 1986 146x Roger McRoberts

2. 1979 104x Jeffrey Walters

3. 1975 124x Hap Rocketto

.22 Rifle Prone – Rookie

1. 661 Rachel Biscoe

2. 616 Robert Biscoe

3. 334 Caroline Gallagher

10 Meter Air Pistol

1. 1411 Dan Brown

2. 1407 Christopher Alto

3. 1404 Susan Brown

3P .22 Rifle

1. 1451 76x Dwayne Fund

2. 1402 60x Craig Speirs

3. 1375 24x Wesley Shumaker

3P Air Rifle

1. 1325 38x Aaron McCommon

2. 1321 44x Josie Clark

3. 1315 26x Wesley Smith


1. 113 Ken Kessler

2. 113 Louis Dash

3. 112 Doug Bottcher

Team Winners

.22 Precision Pistol

1. 5657 19x – Team A

Portland Rifle & Pistol Club

2. 5456 17x – Team B

Portland Rifle & Pistol Club

3. 4987 12x – Team C

Portland Rifle & Pistol Club

3P .22 Rifle

1. 5435 36x – Team #1

Troy-Deary Gun Club

2. 4310 0x – Jr. Rifle Gold

Sandpoint Rifle Club

3P Air Rifle

1. 5093 38x – Flowing Wells

Flowing Wells JROTC

2. 4819 13x – Flowing Wells #2

Flowing Wells JROTC

3. 4509 16x – Team #1

Colville Valley Sharp Shooters 4H


1. 517 – SGC #1

Sandpoint Gun Club

2. 507 – Thompson Trap

Thompson Falls Trap Club

3. 504 – SGC #1

Sandpoint Gun Club

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2017 Smallbore Nationals

The official dates for the 2017 Smallbore Nationals are:


July 8                     Check in/Packet pick up/Practice

July 9-12               Conventional Prone

July 13                   Dewar, Randle, Mentor –Awards

July 14-15            Conventional 3P

July 16-17            Metric 3P, Whistler Boy, Drew Cup – Awards (17)

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MA: Level 1 Rifle Coach Program, January

MA: Level 1 Rifle Coach Program, January: level-1-coaches-class-2017 (PDF, 81KB)

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CT: Admiral’s Cup Results

CT: Admiral’s Cup Results: 2016-ct-admiral-cup (PDF, 37KB)

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MA: Airgun Matches, Dec-Apr

MA: Airgun Matches, Dec-Apr: mrg-2016-2017-international-air-gun-schedule-10-27-16 (PDF, 243KB)

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December 2016 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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NY: Dec Plattsburgh Prone Results

NY: Dec Plattsburgh Prone Results: 2016-ny-platts-dec (PDF, 26KB)

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CT: Swanson Memorial Match Results

27th David L. Swanson Memorial Match


In pursuit of excellence and glory, juniors from across Connecticut filled the Quaker Hill Rod and Gun Club rifle range on December 3rd and 4th at the 27th annual David L. Swanson Memorial Match.

Sub Junior competitors fired a 30 shot prone match on the A-17 target with Kyle Kutz, representing the Cos Cob Juniors, posted a prefect 300, tying the match record set by Emma Acampora. Metacon’s Kayley Pasko shot a 298 for second while Blue Trail’s Sydney Hawke grabbed the third place spot with a 297.

Stratford Police Athletic League shooters swept Class A with Taylor Niemiec, 296, Ashley Gillis, 294, and Emma Sturrock, 294 topping the class. Class B was taken by yet another SPAL athlete, Shane Burtob who carded a 270. Taking advantage of the home filed Quaker Hill’s Lucas Johnson was second, 264, followed by Ava King, 261, of Metacon. Quaker Hill struck again with a Class C win by Lydia Gervais, 229. Two of her team mates, Christopher Andrews, and James Charpentier, 226 and 223 respectively.

The SPAL Wingnuts, Niemiec, Sturrock, Burtob, and Ashley Gills teamed up for an 1154 match winning score. Billy Wolfe, Amanda Grano, Liam Ward, and Tyler Daniels teamed up as Quaker Hill Green for second place. Blue Trail Gold, Hawke, Max Rook, David Kuhn, and Mason Young-Lyman, the fourth generation of Lyman rifleman who made his maiden appearance on an award winning team, took third.

Kutz stayed on the line after his run of 30 sub junior tens to shoot the junior match. He shot an addition ten tens prone before losing two points kneeling, ending his perfect string. Putting the two nines out of his mind he stood up and shot a 97 standing to put together his second match winning score of the day, a 295. Sixty consecutive shots in less than 90 minutes had garnered him two match titles. Hope Kavulich, SPAL, harried Kutz. Tied going into standing Kutz out pointed her 97 to 96 pushing her into second. Metacon’s Pasko gave both a good run and ended up third with a 293.

Class A was a nail biter with Blue Trail’s Ryan McConnell and Cos Cob’s Kaitlyn Kutz knotted up with 292s. McConnel’s 96 standing sealed the deal for first. Laura Milukus, another Cos Cob shooter, ended up in third with a 290.

Trisha Wolfe, shooting for Quaker Hill, was the to Class B competitor. Her 260 bested a pair of 259s put up by a pair of Avon Old Farms riflemen, Jimmy Li and Wyatt Reller. Class C honors fell to Blue Trail’s Ryan Sponauer, 211, and a duo from Grasso Tech, Robert Kelly and Andrew Hill shooting a 210 and a 2016.

Cos Cob, the Kutz kids, Milukus, and Stephanie Allan outpointed Blue Trail Gold, Gillian Reardon, Scott Condo, Tucker Fowler, and Harrison Callahan by seven points, 1165-1158, to win the position team match. The SPAL Chuckleheads Kavulich, Meg Wilcoxson, Sophia Cuozzo, and Vincent Lacobelle pulled into third with a 1136. Xavier Team Five, Chris Sokol, Jake LaGrace, Con Marrinan, and Branson Hawke led the Class A teams. The Montville High School team of Dan Hollingsworth, Angelica Rodriquez, Tanner Driscoll, and B. Andrews were the best Class B squad.

The first Swanson match was held in 1963 and continued, uninterrupted until 1986 when issues with the Manchester range caused a halt. It was revived in 2015 to replace the venerable Middlebury Match which ended it successful run in 2015. It has proved to be a popular event drawing about 130 junior annually, making it one of the largest junior events in southern New England.

2016-ct-swanson (PDF, 108KB)

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CT: JORC, JAN 6-8: match-program-state-josc-for-ct-ri-2017-01-06-thru-2017-01-08-updated-times-2016-11-04 (PDF, 672KB)

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NH: Upcoming Matches

NH: Upcoming Matches:






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November 2016 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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MA: Upcoming matches





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All the People Like Us are We…

by Hap Rocketto

I am a man whose hobby is collecting expensive hobbies. Shooting, flying, and baseball are my three favorite avocations. We all know how much treasure it takes to complete a summer’s shooting campaign. An hour spent aloft can pay for a weekend rifle match. Two hours in the air is equal to a sausage and pepper sub, coke, bag of peanuts, parking, and a ducat for a seat along the first base line at Fenway.

Flying first captured my imagination as young lad because of television. In its early days TV programming was made up of televised established radio programs and older movies. B movies from the 1940s filled the airwaves and war movies were typical TV fare.

Growing up in the early 1950s in New London, Connecticut, home of the US Navy Submarine School, World War II submarine films like Crash Dive and Destination Tokyo struck home. My friends Mike Walker and Antone Gallaher’s fathers, Francis and Antone, Sr., had, just a few years earlier, commanded subs in the Pacific and been awarded the Navy Cross-Walker twice and Gallaher four times. But to me they were just my playmate’s fathers, men who might grill me a hot dog on a Sunday afternoon and give me a ride to school the next day. It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized they were not just another couple of Navy fathers on the street but the real heroes portrayed on screen by Cary Grant and Tyrone Power.

But what really attracted my attention were flying movies: John Wayne in Flying Tigers, William Wyler’s classic The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress, Howard Hawks Air Force, Tyrone power as A Yank in the RAF, Dive Bomber featuring Errol Flynn and Fred MacMurray, and Spencer Tracy as the great Jimmy Doolittle in Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo.

I developed a particular liking for a quirky 1942 film titled Captains of the Clouds that starred James Cagney. It was about a quartet of salty old Canadian bush pilots who joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and were assigned instructor duties. It was a pot boiler, it seemed to be on every two or three weeks and because of that, and the spectacular flying scenes, I came to like it.

A pivotal scene has two bush pilots buzz an RCAF winging ceremony and was filmed at the actual winging ceremony where John Gillespie Magee, who would gain fame as the author of the classic flying poem High Flight, received his brevet. As Cagney’s character, who had been earlier cashiered from the RCAF for reckless behavior flathatted the field he yelled out at the distinguished officer awarding the wings something like, “How do you like that flying Billy?”

My brother pointed out to me that the officer portrayed, and to whom Cagney was yelling, actually was Air Marshal William Avery “Billy” Bishop, VC, CB, DSO and Bar, MC, DFC, ED in a cameo performance. Bishop was Canada’s leading First World War flying ace, officially credited with 72 victories.

I have come to find that Bishop and I have a few things in common. We are both pilots but Bishop flew an “aeroplane” which had an axle, was made of canvas, and had an engine that spewed its lubricating castor oil into the slip steam and onto the pilot. The oily mist gave rise to two of aviation’s enduring traditions. The first is the white silk scarf used to clean the oil from goggles. The second is the need to drink large amounts of brandy and single malt Scotch to counter the laxative effect of the castor oil.

Like me he was less than successful at school. He avoided team activity, preferring solitary sports such as shooting and was a good shot. Bishop was natural with a gun and excelled on the firing range. His extraordinary eyesight gave him a big edge at long range shooting.

Bishop was much like his World War II successor George Frederick “Buzz” Beurling DSO, DFC, DFM & Bar. Beurling was the most successful Canadian fighter pilot of the Second World War, with 31 confirmed kills. Beurling also had fantastic vision and could even call his shots within a few feet of where they’d hit while engaged in G loaded gut wrenching high speed dog fight.

Many leading United States Aces such as Richard Bong, Thomas McGuire, David McCampbell, and Gregory Boyington were said to be able to pick out aircraft when others just thought they were just looking at oil flecks on the windscreen. “Ace in A Day” Chuck Yeager shot down five Nazi aircraft on October 18, 1944 and was said to have the eyes of a hawk in his younger days.

It is on these two points where Bishop, along with the other great pilots mentioned, and I differ. His eyes and flying skill far exceed my ability to see clearly or pilot a plane.

There exists a pyramid of pilots who exhibit “The Right Stuff.” I am at the base of that pyramid and the likes of Bishop are close to the capstone. But in the close company of pilots even the most ham handed pilot, such as me, is welcome. So much so that, believe it or not, Bishop and I belong, on equal footing, to the same pilots’ organization. In The Quiet Birdmen all pilots are considered peers, regardless of hours in the log book or accomplishments, and all are on a first name basis.

I find the same fraternity among competitive riflemen as I do among Quiet Birdmen. As rifleman you can be good, bad, or in between. But, if you have a passion for the sport, a desire to excel, respect for the traditions, and play the game the right way, than you are accepted and treated as an equal no matter what your skill level.

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CT: Air Rifle Championship, Nov 19

CT: Air Rifle Championship, Nov 19: usamu-air-rifle-sectional (PDF, 74KB)

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