The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 17th interview in the series.
Where do you call home?
Hudson, NH is where I call home.
How long have you been shooting?
I have been shooting for about 10 years, over half of my life.
How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
My dad brought my to the Hudson, NH Fish and Game Club when I was about 8. I started shooting there. I was shooting non-competitively for my first three years or so. After this, more juniors started to join the program, and we started to shoot in more competitions.
What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
Some competitors might not know that I am currently going to the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and shooting on the rifle team there. i am majoring in Pharmacy, a six-year program.
What do you consider your finest shooting achievement.
I consider my finest shooting achievement coming in 2nd place nationally in a NRA Junior 3-position rifle indoor sectional, shooting my personal best score of 586-37x.
What is your favorite pre-match meal?
I tend not to eat much before a match, mostly eating cereal for breakfast. If the match is later in the day, however, I like more filling meals, such as sandwiches.
What is your favorite post match drink?
My favorite post-match drink would have to be soda. The day of the match, I try to stay away from sugary drinks or drinks with caffeine. When I finish the match, I’m in the mood to drink something that has some sugar in it.
Do you have a favorite shooting range?
My favorite indoor shooting range would have to be Hudson, NH. This is probably because I have been shooting there for so long and became accustomed to it. My favorite outdoor range is at Camp Perry. The range may be difficult to shoot at, but it is also one of the most fun ranges to shoot at.
Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
My short term goals for shooting are to make NCAA finals in my col
college career. Also, I have a goal to make the finals in the National Junior Olympics at Colorado Springs for the next two years, the last two years I will be a junior competitor. I would say my first long-term goal is to become double distinguished in smallbore prone and smallbore 3-position. Other than this, I do not have any larger goals because I do not know where my life will take me when I’m done college. However, I will continue to shoot, either for fun or competitively.
What shooting skill are currently focusing your energy on?There are several shooting skills that I am focusing on. First, I am trying to have a smoother trigger squeeze. I have noticed that I have had problems with this off and on over the past year or two. Also I am trying to train my mind in sports psychology.
Thanks Brad for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!
Bradd, good luck with your goals, I am confident you will accomplish whatever you set your mind to!
Merry Christmas.