The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 18th interview in the series.
Where do you call home?
Winchester UK
How long have you been shooting?
From when I used to have hair! Circa 1964. I have often tried to recall what got me going to Exeter RC when I was about 14. Too many years have now passed and anno domini has blurred the memory. My father was a veterinary surgeon and I understand a good competitive shooter. I think it must have been from him. Unfortunately we never shot together as he devoted his full energy to building up his veterinary practice My parents very kindly bought a heavyweight barrel BSA Martini from NSRA soon after I started. This was changed to a 1413 in about 1978. I am currently shooting in a hybrid which is a 19 series Anschutz action, Border barrel and a borrowed wooden Anschutz stock. This is likely to be changed to an aluminium stock either the new Anschutz or one produced by someone in the UK.
How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
I have been shooting postal league cards since 1968. My first Bisley was 1969 and I am still learning. Since then my shooting has been limited to UK shooting apart from two trips to Perry. I only shoot prone apart from a brief foray into 3p many years ago which I gave up as being too time consuming although I did shoot one CSF(ED) games for Northern Ireland.
What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
Apart from the fact I am dashlingly handsome which I know is obvious, I used to go to ballroom dancing lessons. I have also been to a Royal Garden party at Buckingham Palace. I also fear my son Chris will be a better shot than me. Something every dad fears but is secretly hoping will happen. I can still usually beat him…… at the moment.
What do you consider your finest shooting achievement?
To keep going when things are going wrong, staying in X class. Winning the Pairs with Cliff Ogle in Dungannon at the CSF(ED) games.
What is your favorite pre-match meal?
Not much. I don’t like shooting on a full stomach but I like to keep hydrayted.
What is your favorite post match drink?
A cup of tea/capaccino
Do you have a favorite shooting range?
Home range Andover. How I am open to offers to shoot elsewhere. I want to try and get to the Black Hawk championships.
Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
To make the Dewar team before I stop competitive shooting, to go back to Perry and to get more US shooters coming to Bisley. I am pursuing my ambitions to be an ISSF A Judge. To that end I have been doing more travelling in Europe and next year will be judging in Hannover and helping at the Swiss championships apart from anything within the UK. I am hoping to take a part in the 2012 Olympics and Commonwealth Games in 2014.
What shooting skill are currently focusing your energy on?
Fitness and becoming familiar with the ISSF handbook.
Thanks Bob for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!
I can’t believe that NO one offered some tart comments given your revelations here. Especially that one about being “dashingly handsome”. With your boney legs, I would think you would need more than mere thermals to shoot outdoors in all that snow,
Actually this is a test to see if I can actually submit a comment. I wouldn’t want to be featured in the Shooter Spotlight, tease up some Kevin or Hap or Justin sniping, and be defenseless. If this does not work, I may well ask you to serve as my proxy Comment Submitter.
Hope it’s warming up there in the UK.
Paul Gideon
Bob (and Mr. Gideon)………
First of all, it is hardly appropriate to mention someone’s “boney legs”, especially someone with a pretty boney set on em to boot!!
Personally Bob (if I was of the female persuasion) I would consider you quite “dashing”…….even though everyone knows the Scotts are the true ladies men!! (George was quite the piece of man candy!)
Hope you are well, and thank you again for your tireless efforts to make our visit everything I had hoped for (except the USA victory!)