Shooter Spotlight: Kim Chrostowski

The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the second interview in the series.

Kim Chrostowski

Kim Chrostowski
Rockville, Rhode Island

How long have you been shooting?
I have been shooting for about 12 years.

How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
My dad took my sister and I to the Rhode Island state games where we got to shoot smallbore and sporter. I got a silver medal (out of two people) in the tyro sporter event. My sister and I had a great time so later my dad signed us up for a sporter air rifle program run by Michele Makucevich at Newport and from there we joined a junior team.

What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
When I was younger I was a cheerleader, I was also in a lot of school plays. For one play in 8th grade I had to play an old lady and I borrowed my grandmothers wig, when I passed my dad in the auditorium he didn’t recognize me.

What do you consider your finest shooting achievement.
Back in November 2005 I competed in my first international match at the Championship of the Americas in Puerto Rico. And I actually won which was great because it gave a quota slot to the US. It was a really good experience and I was glad to be part of the US team that did very well down there.

What is your favorite pre-match meal?
Definitely a big bowl of pasta with marinara sauce and lots of garlic bread.

What is your favorite post match drink?
Well at Camp Perry its usually blue Gatorade and lots of water.

Do you have a favorite shooting range?
I am a fan of the range at the Olympic Training Center out in Colorado Springs. I like the upstairs air gun range even though the floor shakes when people walk behind you.

Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
I just graduated college so the immediate short term goal right now is to get a job (if anyone is hiring please let me know…) before getting married next November. Long term goals would be balancing work and family and still being able to shoot.

What shooting skill are currently focusing your energy on?
Right now I am focusing on how I take the shot. I tend to shift my mind away from concentrating on the ten to pulling the trigger and in that time that the focus breaks I find my hold isn’t as good. So in short I’m trying to make trigger pull automatic when I see the ten.

Thanks Kim for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!

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Picture-1 picked up our story by Hap Rocketto on the Roberts Trophy and you can see the story on the NRA blog here. You can also follow NRAblog on Twitter here.

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New issue of Shooting Sports USA now available


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2009 Hopkinton Prone Matches (HPM)-The “Movie”

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HPM at Camp Perry

Silver medalist during the leg match on CMP week, John Payton, displays his Hopkinton Prone Match pride!

Silver medalist during the leg match on CMP week, John Payton, displays his Hopkinton Prone Match (HPM) pride! Congratulations on the Silver Medal, John!

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Pics from the last 2009 HPM

[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157622171685462″]

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Thanks for a great HPM season!


Cheers! Thanks for a great HPM season everyone. Photo by Ben Hoskins

I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the Hopkinton Prone Matches this year, it was a very enjoyable summer of shooting and eating! Last night’s party was no exception…good friends, good food, and good shooting made for a great night. I have lots of pictures and video from last night’s event and I will post them as soon as I sift through them all.

Len Remaly took third place last night with a 397-31x, Ralph Copley took second with a 400-24x and Erik Hoskins took first with a 400-34x. Complete results are here. Also of note, both Margot Lee and John Payton shot personal bests last night.

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A Gunrunner in the Family

by Hap Rocketto

When I was about 12 years old The Old Man got tired of catching me in the spider webs of untruths that I regularly spun to avoid, unsuccessfully I might add, being punished for the illicit acts of my adolescence.  With the aid of his thick black leather garrison belt he finally made it clear to me that, “Honesty is not the best policy, it is the only policy.”   He also pointed out that it would also be more practical for me, with my limited brainpower, to tell the truth: I would have less to remember.  As usual The Old Man was right.  Knowing this it may come as a surprise to find out that The Old Man was once a principal, albeit unknowingly, in one of England’s more notorious gunrunning rings.

The tale begins with a knock on the front door of the family homestead in New London, Connecticut, that interrupted The Old Man’s late morning breakfast routine.  At the unexpected sound he neatly folded the paper, put down his cup of scalding black coffee, and carefully perched his smoldering Camel cigarette on the lip of the overflowing ashtray. Warily he approached the door as he was in no need of any magazine subscriptions or aluminum siding or their itinerant vendors.  Peering through a side window he espied a uniformed New London policeman and a nattily dressed civilian standing on the porch.  I am sure the first thought that ran through his mind was what kind of mischief had I been up to and did he have enough cash on hand to cover bail.  In my defense I had been married and living a spotless life for over 15 years by that the time but, then again, old habits die hard. Continue reading

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2009 Rhode Island Conventional Prone Regional/State Championship

The 2009 Rhode Island Conventional Prone Regional/State Championship is being held on Sun Sept 27th at Newport Rifle Club. Spaces are filling up quickly and will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. RI residents will be given preference if they register by Sun Sept 13. The match program can be downloaded below.

word 2009-RI-outdoor-conv-prone-bulletin

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2009 US Roberts Team Photo

Front Row (l to r) Kevin Nevius, Kim Chrostowski, Hap Rocketto, Edie Fleeman, Lones Wigger, Nancy Tompkins, Ginger McLemore   Back Row (I to r) Hank Gray, Glenn Dubis, Paul Gideon, Dave Cramer, Dave Sprecher, Mark DelCotto, Justin Tracy, Tarl Kempley. Photo by Steve Rocketto

The 2009 US Roberts Team. Front Row (l to r) Kevin Nevius, Kim Chrostowski, Hap Rocketto, Edie Fleeman, Lones Wigger, Nancy Tompkins, Ginger McLemore. Back Row (I to r) Hank Gray, Glenn Dubis, Paul Gideon, Dave Cramer, Dave Sprecher, Mark DelCotto, Justin Tracy, Tarl Kempley

A related story can be viewed here:

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Sixth Roberts Trophy Match Wrap-up

by Hap Rocketto

The British won the Sixth Roberts Trophy Match, 3842 to 3806.

Any team can survive an error but the United States had three problems which may have cost them the match. The first was a problem with a rifle at 50 yards, second was a sight that appeared to be malfunctioning but it was not apparent until 100 yards, and the third was a shooter losing count of his record shots and firing two excessive shots at 100 yards. The three errors added up to an estimated 30 points.  However, even if we had gotten those points it is likely that we would have still lost, but by a much slimmer margin of six points.

The British shot exceedingly well and were very consistent in score distribution; nine were between 391 and 380 with an anomaly at 374.  The United States had a high of 389 with an additional five scores in the 380 region.  The other four were middle to low 370s.

The home team got off to a very quick start at 50 by outpointing us 52 to 65, a difference of 13 points.  Even with the rifle problems it was apparent that to the team leadership that were being outshot with the most difficult stage still facing us.  At long range the British dropped 106 points to our 129 and that sealed the deal.

On the bright side the Tarl Kempley was second in the grand aggregate, Glen Dubis, Michelle Bohren, Edie Reynolds, Kevin Nevius, Mark DelCotto, Dave Cramer, and Nancy Tompkins all placed in matches.

Our hosts treated us in grand style and went out of their way to see to our comfort.  We were provided an orientation session, a huge tent, trolleys to lug our gear, clips, parking passes, a historic tour of Bisley, guides to help us to and from the airport, several fine banquets, souvenirs, as well as a gracious sportsmanship which we hope to equal when the arrive on our shores in four years  for the Pershing match.

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Today is the last day to register for HPM Steak Dinner

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Shooter Spotlight: Kent Reeve

The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We plan to cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the first interview in the series.

Kent Reeve

Kent Reeve
Cary, North Carolina

How long have you been shooting?
I started shooting smallbore prone in 1998 as a training aid to make the USA Palma Team.

How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
As mentioned above, initially my smallbore shooting was just a training aid to make the USA Palma Team.  Most of my smallbore shooting was conducted by myself during 1998..  Nearly 11,000 rounds of smallbore prone shooting was done that year to prepare for the final tryouts (October 1998) for the USA Palma Team.  My standard practice routine was to shoot 100 rounds a day at 100 yards on the conventional 50 yard target.  I had to cut the bulls out and place them further apart (left to right) because if not, at 100 yards, they are too close to one another for a proper sight picture.  It was a natural progression to transition into smallbore prone competition.

What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
From my limited number of smallbore prone competitions, I see very few smallbore prone shooters who shoot the sport I’m most actively involved with (Highpower).  There is very little cross over. Consequently, many smallbore prone shooters don’t know much, if anything about me.  In their eyes, they probably wonder if I “came out of the wood work”!  From conversations with smallbore prone shooters, it has become very clear to me that I think my way through a match much differently than the norm.  Most of my fellow competitors don’t know this.  Glancing at my equipment reveals that my roots are not smallbore.

What do you consider your finest shooting achievement.
From an individual point of view, being one of two people to shoot a perfect score during 700 meter portion of 2007 World Long Range Championships, going head to head in the shoot off for the Gold medal, and winning it.  From a point of view of helping others, helping young Megan Lee who knew nothing about mental training when I started working with her, mentoring her, and less than a year later having she becomes the J3 Gold Medalist at the Junior Olympics!  That moment will always hold a special place in my heart.  I suppose the finest achievement I’ve accomplished in smallbore prone was setting a new 160 shot outdoor Metric prone metallic sight Civilian record earlier this year, a record previously belonging to Edie Reynolds (now Edie Fleeman). Edie held the record for 20 years which is a fine tribute to her shooting ability!!!

What is your favorite pre-match meal?
I don’t eat much before shooting.  Maybe I’m part Monkey cause I do enjoy bananas!

What is your favorite post match drink?
An ice cold Schlitz beer (if range rules allow), sharing laughter with friends, otherwise some cool water.

Do you have a favorite shooting range?
My home range(Butner NC 1000 yard range) is likely tops because the people are so friendly and we always have a great time at the matches.  Whittington Center, 1000 yard range, Raton New Mexico is a very close second (maybe a tie!).  I love that area and the values of the people in that part of the country.  The range is located about 10 miles out of town and one can stay at housing on the range, nice and quiet at night with the exception of bears who sometimes come dumpster diving.  Low humidity and calm in the morning but frequently psychotic wind in the afternoons.  I enjoy challenges and Whittington in the afternoon can deliver very challenging wind conditions.

Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
Yes, I do.  But shooting goals remain in my mind as I don’t see value in sharing them with others as they just belong with me.  I’ll laugh and talk to just about anyone on the range, but do have a very quiet and private side and goals are part of that.

What shooting skill are currently focusing your energy on?
I don’t have much use for a scope on a rifle.  The few who saw me shoot at smallbore Perry this year (my first ever smallbore prone Nationals) noticed that my rifle wore iron sights the entire event, even during scope phase.  My scope scores are no better than my iron scores and I am focused on changing that and that won’t happen by worsening my iron scores!

Thanks Kent for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!

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Canadian National Championship Results

The Shooting Federation of Canada National Matches were held in Calgary between August 6th through the 16th. Complete results can be viewed below.

pdf 2009-canadian-national championships

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So you’ve decided to jump into the world of twitter, eh? One of the cool features of twitter is that anytime someone you’re following tweets, you can receive that tweet on your cell phone via text message. In order to turn that feature on, log into your twitter account and click “following”, then click the round mobile phone icon for the person you would like to receive text updates from. It’s that easy!

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2009 Roberts Trophy Results

from Hap Rocketto

This just in from Hap Rocketto by phone call from Century range Bisley. Great Britain defeats US 3842 to 3806. More to come soon.

50M  100Yd   Total

Great Britain 1948 1894 3842
Ridgway 198 193 391
Smith 198 191 389
Aldhouse 194 192 386
Cole-Hamilton 194 192 386
Webb 194 192 386
Fowke 195 189 384
Huckle 197 187 384
Day 196 186 382
Duguid 191 189 380
White 191 183 374

United States of America 1935 1871 3806
Dubis 197 192 389
Delcotto 198 190 388
Gray 195 192 387
McLemore 197 190 387
Nevius 194 188 382
Kempley 194 187 381
Sprecher 198 177 375
Chrosowski 189 185 374
Tomkins 190 182 372
Gideon 183 188 371

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US Roberts Team Update-3

from Hap Rocketto

The 2009 Roberts Team is:
Nevius and Gideon coached by Fleeman
Sprecher and Gray coached by Tracy
Dubis and Chrostowski coached by Rocketto
T. Kempley and Delcotto coached by Cramer
Tompkins and McLemore coached by Wigger

T. Kemply was second overall. There are other indivdual awards.

More later.
Adjutant to the Stars

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Hopkinton Prone Match Tonight

Tonight is the second-to-last HPM. The heat wave has broken here in New England and it’s finally comfortable outside…so come on out and shoot with us. The range will be open around 4pm.

And, if you’re planning on coming to the steak dinner next week, don’t forget to register here.

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A Breif Tale of Cleaning Patches

by Hap Rocketto

My brother is fond of giving books for presents and passed a volume entitled Floating off the Page to me for my last birthday.  It contains a series of articles taken from the Wall Street Journal’s “middle column.”  James P. Sterba related a brief tale of cleaning patches, “Prisons, Guns, and Knickers,” and it begins on February 5, 1975 in Sacramento, California.  President Gerald Ford was working the crowd when an alert Secret Service Agent saw a mousy looking woman named Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme point a 1911A1 at the President.  He quickly batted the pistol down, grasping it so that if the hammer fell it would pinch the skin on the web of his hand, preventing the firearm from discharging.

It would not be a great month for Ford, 17 days later, in San Francisco, Sara Jane Moore would actually get a shot off at him from a .38 but it was diverted by a bystander, Oliver Sipple.  The next year, almost as if in apology for these unfriendly acts by its citizens, California gave its 45, poetic justice as the number matched the caliber of Fromme’s pistol, electoral votes to Ford in his failed attempt to gain the White House on his own. Continue reading

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US Roberts Team Update-2

from Hap Rocketto

The last day of the aggregate is tomorrow. an English Match at 100 yards. Tarl Kempley is in the lead for the agg, with Kevin Nevius in top five. Good weather with some terrible conditions-mirage and whirling winds. 

The team is in high spirits-mostly the local brews, with an occasional gin and tonic to break the monotony. 

Lots of formal dinners and protocol. 

The Roberts will be shot on Friday at 2PM-9AM EDT. I will report soon after by phone to Erik Hoskins. 


Adjutant to the Stars

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Berkshire Hills 3-Position Rifle Tournament

by Ed Bishop

The October Mountain Sharpshooters will host The Berkshire Hills 3 position rifle Tournament on Sunday, September 13 at the Lenox Sportsmen Club on East New Lenox Road in Lenox, MA. This will be an Olympic style competition with competitors shooting 20 shots at A-36 targets at 50 feet from 3 standard positions. All shooters are welcome as long as they use a .22 long rifle rimfire smallbore with iron sights. The winner of this match will be considered the Berkshire Hills Champion. The tournament is limited to 16 preregistered competitors. The first relay will be at 9:00 and the second relay will be at 11:00. Lunch will be available upstairs starting at 11:00. There will also be a turkey shoot in the afternoon open to everyone. You can download the match bulletin here.

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