The NRA Bursts My Balloon

by Hap Rocketto

As a kid, back in the early 1950s, one of my big thrills was watching the US Navy’s K-class blimps glide over New London while on antisubmarine patrol between Naval Air Station Lakehurst in New Jersey and Naval Air Station South Weymouth in Massachusetts. If we were in the classroom the windows of Harbor School quickly filled with little boy’s excited upturned faces. Our teachers quickly herded us back to the dreary world of spelling or fractions, but I have never forgotten a little boy’s excitement at the sight of the dignified silver behemoths quietly cruising over head keeping the Soviet submarine fleet at bay.

Recently my brother Steve and I, needing to log a few hours aloft to maintain our airman certificates’ currency, thought a cross country flight would be in order and we had a specific historic destination in mind. It was a beautiful day for flying. There were few clouds in the sky, the visibility was 25 miles-good for the East coast, and the winds aloft were pushing us along with nary a bump.

We departed Westerly with Steve, befitting his majestic status as Pilot In Command sitting imperially in the left seat. I sat, below the salt, in the right hand co-pilot’s seat preoccupied with the duties of the vassalage germane to my humble office, communications, navigation, and keeping the aircraft commander supplied with position reports, cold drinks, and snacks. We crossed to the south coast of Long Island and followed it westward. To avoid the cluttered New York City airspace, and its odious flying regulations, we swept south over the Atlantic Ocean and made a beeline for Sandy Hook, New Jersey.

Flying a single engine airplane out of gliding distance of land always makes for a little pilot anxiety. Perhaps it was the required life vests and rubber dingy that seemed to make the airplane make strange noises and caused the engine to sound a bit rough, perhaps not. Even though the gas tanks had been visually checked to insure that they were filled to the top tabs of the tanks the fuel gauges seemed unwind faster than expected. As we raised Sandy Hook the odd rattles stopped, the engine smoothed out, and there now seemed to be plenty of gas. Crossing the coast of New Jersey we intersected an electronic highway in the sky, Victor Airway 229, and turned left to follow it southward.

In a few minutes our turning point, NAS Lakehurst’s Hanger Number One, came into view. At 961 feet in length, 350 feet in width and standing 200 feet high it would be hard to miss. The building, a Registered National Historic Landmark, was built in 1921 at the height of the lighter than air era. Most of the air ship hangers built during that time still exist, notably another Hanger Number One at Moffett Field California and The Goodyear Air Dock in Akron, Ohio.

During its active service Lakehurst’s Hanger Number One housed every type of American lighter than air ship from 1921 until the demise of lighter than air Naval Aviation in 1960. The massive building was, at one time or another, home port for the US Navy’s four rigid airships, the ill fated trio of USS Shenandoah, USS Akron and USS Macon, as well as the USS Los Angeles, who avoided the disastrous fates of her sisters only to be ignominiously dismantled in 1939.

It was also at Lakehurst, on May 6, 1937, that the largest flying object in the world, the German zeppelin Hindenburg, burst into flames as it was mooring. The immolation of the flag ship of the Third Reich’s air fleet, emblazoned with giant Nazi swastikas, was a great blow to the pride of the totalitarian state and its leadership.

Over the frying bacon like sizzle in our headsets Steve, the walking footnote, delivered a detailed lecture on the disaster. With the muted chatter of the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center as back drop he closed with his best imitation of Herbert Morrison’s famous narration of the Hindenburg disaster, “There’s smoke, and there’s flames, now, and the frame is crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring mast.” Ending his little monologue with a humorous play on words Steve said, “I bet that burst Herr Hitler and Herr Doctor Goebbels’s little propaganda balloon.”

“Not as much as the NRA burst mine.” I absentmindedly replied.

“What do you mean?” asked Steve.

“You know I’m a Master in most every shooting discipline and I that I am also inordinately proud of my recent Perry position performance.” I explained.

“Well your hubris seldom knows bounds.” he both pithily and correctly observed, “But how did the NRA burst your balloon?”

With pent up righteous indignation I griped, “I didn’t have a 3P Conventional Position classification so I entered 3P at Perry as a Master. I won my category and was pretty impressed with myself. Then the mail arrived yesterday. It contained a new classification card informing me, me, the best senior position shooter in the United States, that I am mearly a Conventional 3P Sharpshooter.”

I am not sure if it was the crackle of static or the cackle of Steve that accentuated his reply in my headset. After a brief pause to digest my complaint he rather condescendingly put me firmly in my place, as only an aircraft commander can do to his lackey co-pilot, by continuing to wryly quote Morrison, “Oh the humanity, and all the passengers screaming around here!”

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NH: 2014 Air Rifle JORC Results

from Bill Dutton


Eleven young men and Four women from all around New Hampshire came together at the Hudson Fish and Game Club to compete in the 2014 New Hampshire Air Rifle Junior Olympic State Championship.

The USA Shooting sanctioned Air Rifle matches are split into men’s and women’s divisions.  Men are required to shoot 60 shots for record while the women only shoot 40 shots.

For the Women, The top prize went to Elizabeth Dutton of Derry shooting a 367 and outpacing the nearest competitor by 23 points.  Taking the silver medal for the women was Grace Hackler of Keene who edged out newcomer Victoria D’Amico of Bedford who took home the bronze medal.

The mens division was lead by Joe Nikiforakis of Swanzey securing the gold medal with a score of 575. The competition for the silver medal was tight heading into the final 2 stages of fire with Zach Wambsganss of Hudson holding onto a 4 point lead over Jarred Dassler of Salem.  Tobin Sanctuary of Alstead was well within reach just 5 points behind Dassler’s 369.  Dassler fired an outstanding 95 and 94 finishing with a 558 securing the silver medal while Wambsganss held off a stong finish from Sanctuary to take the bronze.

The gold medalists Elizabeth Dutton and Joe Nikiforakis will earn and invitation to compete at the National Junior Olympics in Colorado this Spring! Best of luck to you both!

2014-nh-air jorc (PDF, 116KB)

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NJ: 2013 3P Metric State Champ Results

NJ: 2013 3P Metric State Champ Results: 2013-nj-3p-state-champ (820KB)

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NY: Plattsburgh Prone Results

NY: Plattsburgh Prone Results: 2013-ny-plattsburgh-prone (PDF, 58KB)

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NJ: Upcoming Matches

Upcoming matches at Ridgewood Rifle Club in NJ:


2014 NRA 3 pos ISU sectional program

2014 NRA 3p metric sectional program

2014 NRA 4P sectional program

2014 NRA air sectional program


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NH: 2014 JORC Results

NH: 2014 JORC Results: 2014-nh-jorc (PDF, 124KB)

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December 2013 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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NH: Upcoming Sectionals

Hudson Fish and Game Club will be hosting 3 NRA sectionals this coming year:

January 11: JUNIOR International Air Rifle: Match Program 2014 NRA International Air Rifle Junior Sectional

February 8: JUNIOR Metric 3 Position Smallbore:Match Program 2014 NRA 3P SBR Junior Sectional

February 22: OPEN Metric 3 Position Smallbore: Match Program 2014 NRA 3P SBR Open Sectional






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CT: CSRRA JORC, Dec 13-15

CT: CSRRA JORC, Dec 13-15 Program JORC Match 2013 12 for 2014 CO Match (PDF, 685KB)

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CT: JORC, Jan 4-5

CT: The 2014 Connecticut State JORC will be held at Bridgeport Rifle Club on January 4-5. The match program can be downloaded here: BRC_2014_JORC_PROG (PDF, 83KB)

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2013 International Postal Match Results

from Edie Fleeman

Below, recently received from the NSRA, are the results of the various postal matches for 2013.

For Randle, we need to congratulate our friends across the pond for their one point win over us. Our team officials this year were Wendy Wells and Diana Timberlake LeFrancois.

USA’s Dewar (Captain Carolyn Millard Sparks, Coach Paul Gideon) and Drew (Captain Caitlin Morrissey) teams may revel in their victories!

The Wakefield (Captain Walt Walter, Coach Bill Beard) has been fired at the Metric National Championships and is for teams of 10 shooters plus officials just like Dewar.

2013-International-Postal-Scores (PDF, 49KB)


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VT: Prone Match, Dec 7

The Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club will be hosting a 60 shot prone match on Saturday December 7th.  The match will be shot on the USA targets at 50 feet in our indoor range.  Any sights, NRA Rules.  Handicapped shooters welcome.

Cost is just $15 to shoot, those interested can send an e-mail to  or call 518-298-7776.

Relay times are 9am, 10:30am and 12:00 and 1:30 pm.

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VT: Vermont Winter Postal League

VT: The VT winter postal league is running again this year. You can download the match program here: VTWinterPostalLeague2014 (PDF, 76KB)

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November 2013 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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NH: Upcoming JORC Matches

December 19+21: Match Program 2014 NH JORC Air Rifle

December 5+7: Match Program 2014 NH JORC Smallbore

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Camp Perry huts under construction

Screen Shot 2013-10-31 at 8.08.17 AM

Construction has begun on replacement of the huts at Camp Perry. You can see some more picture on the CMP photo site here

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The Black Hawk Bagel Boys

by Hap Rocketto

Competitive shooting, and all of the minutiae that goes with it, has a long and storied history. In fact it reaches far back into antiquity, So far back, in fact, that its earliest mention in the public record occurs in the Bible.

I suspect that after that bold statement most will think that I have spent too much time shooting in the gallery and, as a result, am suffering from dementia caused by excessive exposure to lead. While that may have a germ of truth to it I am still coherent enough to cite the source of my belief.

It seems that there once roamed, in the Valley of Elah, a Philistine giant some six cubits and a span tall. For 40 days this fearsome warrior, Goliath by name, challenged the Israelites twice a day to send out a champion to do single combat and decide who would occupy the disputed territory.

Saul, the leader of the Israelites, offers a reward to anyone who is brave enough to take on and defeat the giant. David, a young shepherd lad, takes up the challenge and carefully prepares himself. According to 1 Samuel, chapter 17:40 David, “… took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.”

It is pretty clear to me that David’s culling of stones in the streambed was nothing other than selecting the best lot of ammunition for his sling.

David loaded a stone from the ‘knot lot’ he had in his pouch, into his sling and proceeded to fire a first shot X, without even a warmer or a sighting shot, dropping the Philistine like a bad habit. He next drew the giant’s sword, killed him with it, and then chopped off Goliath’s head.

This all came to mind when I received a call from fellow Black Hawk Rifle Club member Denis Lindenbaum. Dennis told me that another Black Hawk, Randy Schwartz, had called him with the curious idea that that the Black Hawks might be able to field a prone team at Camp Perry entirely populated with “The Chosen People.”

When I mentioned this twist to Camp Perry 2011 at breakfast one morning my wife Margaret perked up. She thought my little burst of religious recognition might solve a little dispute that has been simmering in our household for some time. Margaret is an early riser, walks several miles each morning with a few of the neighbor ladies for exercise, and then comes home in hopes of finding me out of bed and preparing breakfast.

I am amenable to getting things set up but I shy away from making her coffee. I do not drink it and, as it is an important part of her day, and clumsy as I am, I do not want to mess it up. She does not accept my argument and sees no reason why I can’t prepare her morning pick me up.

In reply to my announcement that I had to shoot this match she replied that in light of my decision it was time to live up to my Biblical duty to prepare her coffee. Curious, I asked what Biblical injunction would so direct me.

She said, “It is not an injunction, it is the book of the Bible that immediately precedes The Book of James.

“And what book is that?” I asked.

“Hebrews.” she sweetly replied.

Within a short time after being put in my place by my wife the entire demographic had been contacted and we began laying plans for this historic event. Much as when Caesar Augustus put forth the word that all the world should be enrolled so it was with the Jewish members of the Black Hawks, all seven answered the call. Lindenbaum, Schwartz, and I were joined by my brother Steve, Don Lerner, and Larry Hoffman. Eitan Barazani, probably the best shot of all of us, had to decline as, ironically, he was going to miss Perry as he had to be in Israel the last week in July.

We mustered on team day, a shooting David hoping to knock off the Army Goliath, and donned our team T Shirts. Dark blue, they proudly proclaimed across the chest, in white faux Hebrew lettering, that we were the Black Hawk Bagel Boys and that, “We answer to a higher authority.” Upon the back was an image of Moses holding a rifle and an A-27 target with “Guns and Moses” emblazed above the logo.

Although we had a good time and shot a decent score we did not follow in the footsteps of David. We did not even win a few NRA points, let alone the head of a defeated enemy.

At the end of the match we followed another tradition that generations of shooters and Jews have participated in for as long as anyone can remember. We traipsed to the traditional site of both rejoicing and sorrow to view the results of our efforts at the score board known affectionately to rifleman as “The Wailing Wall.”

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2014 National Smallbore Rifle Championships Moving

from H.Q. Moody

2014 National Smallbore Rifle Championships Moving to Bristol, Indiana

For only the third time in over 100 years the NRA National Smallbore Rifle Championships will not be held at Camp Perry, OH. The decision was made in 2013 to move the Championships to Bristol, IN, at the Chief Wa-Ke-De Range. Located just off Interstate 80, and about three hours driving time west of Camp Perry, the Wa-Ke-De Range features a 100 point asphalt covered firing line. The range sits in a large grove of trees providing a beautiful setting and shelter from the wind. The range is ideal for smallbore rifle competition.

The 2014 National Smallbore Rifle Championships will combine the National Metric and Conventional Championships (for the first time). Both of these events have a Three-Position Championship and a Prone Championship that are contested individually. Starting on July 14 and ending July 25, Championships, including the International Postal Team matches, will be fired over twelve days of competition.

This year the Position and Prone Team Championships will have a different twist. The team matches will be “paper matches” with the scores coming from the Individual Championships. Additionally, an overall team champion will be presented in each of the 3-Position and Prone Championships. At the end of each Championship the International Postal Team events will be shot.

The Smallbore Rifle Championship Tournament Program will be posted online on March 3rd with on line registrations beginning April 1, 2014. This year when a competitor or a coach registers their squadding and entry confirmation will be mailed to them; there will be no special squadding. Entries will be limited to 200 competitors for the Metric Position and Prone Championships; and up to 300 competitors will be accepted for the Conventional 3-Position and Conventional Prone Championships.

Special awards ceremonies are being planned for each Championship. The Metric Championship awards ceremonies will feature a BB-Q at the end of each Championship. The Conventional Championships will feature an Amish dinner and awards presentation at the Das Dutchman Essenhaus Convention Center. All of these events are expected to be well attended by competitors, coaches, families, and representatives of the local communities.

Competitors who like to camp will have plenty of opportunity with a KOA Campground located just a mile away from the range and, in addition, the range has 20 RV hookups to support twenty early birds. Competitors who want to stay in a motel or hotel do not need to look very far to find a place to stay. There are a few motels located about two miles from the range in Bristol and about 15 miles away in Elkhart, IN, there are over 21 hotels and motels. There is also a variety of restaurants in the area to support the competitors and staff. Food service will be available at the range for folks who want something to eat during the day.

More information will become available in 2014. Currently, NRA Staff is planning the tournament details and working with the Championship Sponsor to get specials at the local hotels and motels for the competitors. Keep watching for more information as it becomes available.


Metric 3-Position Championship: July 14-15

Conventional 3-P Championship: July 16-17

Drew Cup: July 18

Conventional Prone: July 19-22

Dewar, Randle, Whistler Boy, Made In America, Mentor Match: July 23

Metric Prone Championship: July 24-25


Dining & Hotel Info at Exit 92:

Things to do & hotel info:

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A History of the United States National Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship 1919-2013

by Hap Rocketto

Got some spare time this weekend? Here’s nearly 500 pages of A History of the United States National Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship 1919-2013.

pdf A History of the United States National Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship 1919-2013 [UPDATED 10/17/13]

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MA: AMU Clinic

MA: AMU Clinic, see PDF for more information: eastern amu flyer (PDF, 1.2MB)

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CT: Great Pumpkin Prone Regional Results

October 13, 2013 was a day for a trio of last minute sporting event heroics in New England. With the clock showing just five seconds left, Tom Brady connected with Kenbrell Thompkins on a 17-yard touchdown pass giving the New England Patriots a 30-27 win handing the New Orleans Saints its first loss. In the waning minutes of the day Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz connected on the first pitch from Detroit reliever Joaquin Benoit for a game-tying grand slam in the eighth inning and Jarrod Saltalamacchia delivered a walk-off single in the ninth as the Red Sox claimed Game 2 of the American League Championship Series.

Sandwiched in between these two exciting wins was the last day of prone shooting in the region, the 2013 Great Pumpkin Metric Prone Regional at Connecticut’s Bell City Rifle Club. After two days of confounding wind and light the conditions simply died as the line began sighting in for the final 20 shots at 50 meters. Execution would be the key to success. Eight minutes after Line Officer Mark Sloan called, “Commence fire” Hap Rocketto racked back his bolt, inserted his Empty Chamber Indicator, and looked through his spotting scope. A short time later Bill Neff did the same. All the groups were tight but not quite centered on the tiny ten ring of the A-51 target so both riflemen had some anxiety that was not relived until Scorer Tony Panko applied overlays to confirm the good news. Shooting side by side, Neff and Rocketto had posted only the fifth and sixth perfect scores shot in the history of the venerable tournament. The two newest winners of the “200 Pot” were congratulated by Greg Tomsen and Ron Wigger, the third and fourth to accomplish the feat. Bill Lange, who shot the only clean at 100 yards, had stopped by for a visit earlier in the day so former National Prone Champion Cory Brunetti was the only member of the “200 Pot” club not present.

None of this took the shine from Niantic Sportsman Club Lisette Grunwell-Lacey’s grand aggregate winning performance, a 2285-69X. Better known for her prowess as a position shooter the Pumpkin marked her first major prone victory. However, it did not come easy as the final possession of the gold medal went down to Xs.

Shawn Carpenter, of the Quaker Hill Rod and Gun Club, last shot a prone match at the 2012 Pumpkin. Surgery put him on the 90 Day Disabled List at the beginning of the summer and, but for one winter league position match two weeks ago, he had not shot in a year. But shooting is like riding a bike, once learned it is never forgotten. The skills that earned him Distinguished with both the service and prone rifles came to the surface and he came within ten Xs of tying for the lead.

Sharpshooter Jeff Henry, who has been making dramatic strides in the last year, took the bronze medal, carding a 2276-72X winning the metallic sight aggregate along the way.

Tomsen, perhaps the best scope shooter in the state, walked away with the any sight aggregate carding a score of 1163-62X.

Winning the 200 Pot gave Rocketto a one point edge, 2275-69X to 2274-65X, over Len Remaly for the senior category title. His good luck did not end with the shooting as he also won the 50-50 raffle drawn during the awards presentation. Remaly went home with high score honors in the combined Master/Expert class. Dale Petty was the top Sharpshooter while Bailey Urbach shot the best score in the Marksman/Unclassified class. Elizabeth Dutton and Jarred Dassler were the woman and junior champions respectively.

Henry opened the match by winning the metallic sight 100 yard match with a 380-11X. Lilly Davenport bested all in the Reverse Dewar with her 383-11X and Grunwell-Lacey’s 382-11X was the high 50 meter score. Carpenter posted a 383-15X, to aid his cause, winning the any sight 100 yard match. Rocketto put together a 391-15X for the any reverse Dewar win. Grunwell-Lacey, 397-20X, closed the tournament with her second win at 50 meters.

In a 50 meter iron sight team match Andrew Solomonides and Tobin Sanctuary combined for a 765-22X for the victory.

Assisting Panko in running the match, in addition to her father who scored and Sloan were Paul Fecteau who helped Tony on Saturday, Mr. Davenport and Mr. Dassler who collected targets. Without the help of volunteers and parents, the match would have not run so smoothly.

2013-ct-great-pumpkin (PDF, 72KB)


Back row, left to right: Jarred Dassler, Elizabeth Dutton and Jeff Henry. Front Row, left to right, Hap Rocketto, Shawn Carpenter, Lisette Grunwell-Lacey, Greg Tomsen.


Left to right, Hap Rocketto, Greg Tomsen, Bill Neff, Ron Wigger.





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