CT: Feb PTO, Feb 21-22

Registration is now open for our monthly Smallbore & Air rifle USA Shooting sanctioned PTO match hosted by the Bridgeport Rifle Club! We are holding this match on Saturday, February 21st and Sunday, February 22nd. Due to the popularity we are continuing to run an NCAA style format match. This means we are running both a 3×20 smallbore match and 60 shot air rifle match for men and women together. We are also continuing to host this as an open match, allowing all shooters the opportunity to compete. See the attached match program for more information.

This match is expected to fill up extremely quickly. Entries will be on a first come first serve basis. To sign up either follow the information on the program or respond to josie@bridgeportrifleclub.com

Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who may be interested.



February 2015 PTO (PDF, 78KB)

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VT: Winter Postal, Week 1

VT: Winter Postal, Week 1 results: 2015-vt-winter-postal (PDF, 66KB)

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NH: 2015 Smallbore JORC Results

NH: 2015 Smallbore JORC Results: 2015-nh-jorc (PDF, 261KB)

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In Memoriam: Art Jackson


Art Jackson at Camp Perry in 1975.

Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Charles Jackson USAFR(RET) passed away on January 6, 2015 at the age of 96.

The Olympic bronze medalist and World Champions participated in three Summer Olympic Games, 1948, 1952, and 1956,  three ISSF World Shooting Championships, 1949, 1952, 1954 and two  Pan American Games, 1951 and 1954, in which he established several world records and won numerous gold medals. Jackson was elected to the United States International Shooting Hall of Fame in 1999.

Jackson’s shooting career started at Brooklyn Technical High School, was interrupted by World War II where she served as a US Army Air Forces bombardier in the Pacific Theater, and resumed with the 1948 London Olympics.

He was a transitional figure in US International shooting. Jackson, the first US 300 meter international competitor after World War II, was taught the kneeling position by Morris Fisher, the last US 300 meter competitor before World War II.  As one of the three original rifle shooters to form the US Air Force Rifle Team he won the 1951 President’s Match

Jackson retired from international competition in 1957 when he joined the Central Intelligence Agency. Upon retiring from the CIA in 1975 he resumed competition and was a firing member of gold medal 1985 US Palma Team as well as the 1988 and 1992 squads.

He gifted the Henry Fulton Trophy, awarded to the high scorer in the Palma Team match, to the NRA in 1997. In a case of turnabout being fair play  Mrs. Gloria F. Huckaby,  the youngest granddaughter of Henry Fulton,  the first person to win the Wimbledon Cup in 1875, donated the Arthur C. Jackson Trophy to the NRA to be awarded to the highest scorer shooter at the World Black Powder Long Range International Championships.

Jackson, a frequent contributor to The American Rifleman in the decades of the 1950s and 60s, contributed his extensive and invaluable knowledge and expertise to the development of the modern rifle shooting sports.

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January 2015 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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Vote for competitive shooting

Vote for competitive shooting…

email6.1501 (PDF, 215KB)

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Because it is there….

by Hap Rocketto

Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor of General of India, had not been able to enter either Nepal or Tibet because they were closed nations and, therefore, could have had no idea that Peak XV was known to the natives as “Mother Goddess of Earth,” Chomolungma in Tibetan.  He just wanted to honor his predecessor, Sir George Everest, who supervised the Great Trigonometric Survey of British India during the time that it was found that Peak XV, at 29,002 feet, was the tallest mountain on the face of the Earth. Waugh pressed to have the mountain named after Everest, who resisted the effort for he believed that geographic formations should carry the names the local population used, but all for naught.

By the early 1920s British expeditions began attempting to summit the mountain. George Mallory is famously quoted as having replied to the question “Why do you want to climb Mount Everest?” with “Because it’s there.”

That may be true but, on June 8, 1924, Mallory and Andrew “Sandy” Irvine disappeared into the clouds as they attempted to reach the top via the North Col route. Seventy five years later Mallory’s body was discovered in a remarkable state of preservation lying in a snow basin on the north side of the mountain. Mountains seem to be a nemesis for male members of the Mallory family. Mallory’s younger brother, Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory, also met his death on a mountain when an aircraft in which he was a passenger crashed in the French Alps in 1944, just 20 years after the Everest fatality.  George Mallory’s son in law, physicist Glen Millikan, was killed in a climbing accident in 1947.

Unanswered is the question of whether Mallory and Irvine succeeded. It is therefore accepted that Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to reach the summit on May 29, 1953. News of Hillary and Norgay’s triumph reached London on the morning of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation, a gift as glorious to her as was Sir Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe was to her predecessor, the first Elizabeth. In response both Elizabeth’s knighted their heroes.

There is nexus for me between mountaineering and shooting as Jeff Doerschler and Len Remaly, two of my shooting companions, climb as yet another hobby. They are both slightly built and quiet and so appear not to be the type to be found assaulting the ice and scree covered sides of jagged peaks, but appearances are deceiving.

Both are technical men, Jeff holds a doctorate in some obscure and esoteric area of computer knowledge and is the coauthor of the scintillatingly titled, A Rule-Based System for Dense-Map Name Placement. He is a “highpointer,” a climber who is determined to reach the top of the highest points in all 50 states. When not overhauling his ancient Honda, 200,000+ miles, he can be found working at pyrotechnic shows.  He is a still water that runs deep.

Len, an engineer by profession, has turned to climbing and brewing as his athletic and creative outlets in retirement.  I can only presume the latter is for celebrating the former. Both have won various national smallbore rifle championships so it should come as no surprise that Jeff has earned the NRA Distinguished Smallbore award in prone and position while Len has the position award.

I was engaged in an internet debate concerning the various Distinguished designations. It was a partisan argument over which might be harder to earn, CMP service rifle or NRA smallbore. Both awards are similar as they require a shooter to place in the top 10 per cent of designated matches a certain number of times. Other rules limit how many matches may be shot and at what competitive levels one must perform these feats.

I came down firmly on the side of smallbore because it is required to earn at least one leg, or “step,” at the National Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship.  That means that one must travel to Camp Perry and do battle with the very best.  The second proviso is that all Distinguished shooters are counted in the top 10 per cent, in high power one only competes against non-Distinguished shooters for a place in the top ten per cent.

That begged the question from a high power shooter of just how many smallbore Distinguished awards have been presented since it was introduced in 1965. Not having the last year’s awardees’ names my best estimate was about 720: 270 prone; 450 position; with 110 of them holding both awards: double Distinguished.

With smallbore Distinguished mountain climbing shooters Jeff and Len on my mind and my easily distracted mind drifting away towards Everest a comparison started forming. Records indicate that by the end of the 2010 climbing season, there had been 5,104 ascents of Everest by about 3,142 individuals. Some have done it more than once, with Apa Sherpa holding the current record of 21 round trips, making about 1800 of them sort of Double Distinguished climbers.

Further research shows that neither a successful climb nor a smallbore distinguished award comes cheap. Both take a minimum of two years to complete, require extensive training, travel, and expensive specialized equipment. Even if you are doing Everest on the economical side climbing gear may exceed $8,000, bottled oxygen runs about $3,000, and permits are at least $10,000-Everest climb fees are an important part of Nepal’s gross national product. Travel and transport fees hover about $5,000.  That is a grand total of $26,000. A run at Distinguished can add up to the same numbers over an extended period of time.

In the end the cost may be the same but the hunt for Distinguished is undeniably safer. In the first 45 years of the award maybe someone has passed out on the grass at Perry but no one has passed away there, unlike the 149 unfortunate souls who did so on Everest’s slopes.  Smallbore Distinguished is also more exclusive. Simply put in the ensuing 45 years after it was first conquered 1,197 made the climb to the top of Everest while only 720 have earned NRA Smallbore Distinguished in the same time span.

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CT: JORC, Jan 3-4

We are excited to announce that we have once again been selected as a state host for the USA Shooting Junior Olympic State Qualifier. This match is scheduled for January 3rd and 4th, 2015, and there is still limited space available so do not hesitate to register today! This is the match that qualifies junior shooters for the National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships held in Colorado Springs, CO. As always we are hosting both the smallbore and air rifle events but in addition, this year we have decided to expand and host the air pistol events as well. More information about the air pistol state championship will be forthcoming.Please take special note of the time limits for each course of fire. These time limits follow the newly adopted USA Shooting rules and were just recently revised and clarified as part of the program for the State Junior Olympic Shooting Championships. If you have any questions about this please let us know.Due to the nature of this championship, these matches are only open to junior shooters and we encourage as many juniors as possible to come out and shoot. To sign up either follow the information on the program or respond to josie@bridgeportrifleclub.com
The program for this match is here: BRC_2015_JORC (PDF, 86KB)
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NH: 2015 JORC Air Results

NH: 2015 JORC Air Results: 2015-nh-jorc-air (PDF, 266KB)

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NH: 3P Smallbore Junior Sectional, Feb 21

NH: 3P Smallbore Junior Sectional, Feb 21:  Match Program 2015 NRA 3P SBR Junior Sectional (PDF, 91KB)

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VT: 2015 Winter Postal League

We are less than a month from the start of the 2015 Vermont Winter Postal League, since we are using a new online system this year. I urge you to start your registration process early.  Go to   http://VTWinter.postalleague.comthe first thing you need to do is create a user name and password for yourself. Once your e-mail address is verified you can register others and create your team, and then pay.  If you have any difficulty at all please send me an e-mail. The longest part was waiting for your team members to verify their e-mail address.  However I know have the ability to log in and verify it for you.  If a person does not have an e-mail address then feel free to use your own for them.   Please be patient, as the first year has a bit of a learning curve to it, plus it’s the only time you will need to enter this information.  Future season will be much quicker. If you run into major issues I can log in and perhaps do this all from my end, but its less work for me if you we can take care of our own teams.  Several clubs have started the process and we have about 60 people registered so far.

For the first time you will be able to register your team and input your team and individual scores directly at http://VTWinter.postalleague.com , you can even view results here too.  This new system should in theory eliminate any errors and also allow our league to continue to grow.  It will now be faster and more efficient.

The league will kick off the 2015 season in mid-January, (January 17th) with the first week scores due in by Saturday, January 24th then running for 10 weeks (with one bye week), and will end with match 10 taking place over the weekend of April 11&12th.

Team are welcome to and encouraged to start a week or two early if they wish, you can even log in early to start recording your scores, (not to worry no one will see them until the official week ends).  Teams that fire on Fri, Sat or Sunday mornings are encouraged to shoot your first match on January 16,17,18.  This way they will be sure to have their scores in on time, plus if you have an issue, (like a snow storm) you will have some wiggle room to make up that score during the week or the following Fri/Sat.

 Last season we were fortunate to have 15 teams competing in our league from six states with over 115 competitors. We are hopeful that this number will continue; and perhaps even continue grow (we hope to add a few more clubs this season and already started to pick up new shooters). Last year’s champion was Albion Sportsman’s Association followed by Whitehall, third place went to the Plattsburgh Rough Riders.

Rules  (see attached league announcement) will stay pretty much the same as any other season.

The changes, We will be adding a standing division, this will be shot either with an Air Rifle at 33 feet on the AR 5/10 target or with smallbore or air rifle at 50 feet on the A-17 target.  Shooters scores will receive a 10 point addition for team score purposes, (so a 360 standing would be a 370 for team score).

The cost to participate will be just $6 per shooter with most of that going back out in the form of awards.  A portion of this fee will also be paid to net.competior.com  who will be running our web site.

The goal of the league is to have fun, make it easy for people to be able to participate, and at the same time give people a venue to compete. We hope that participation in the league will assist you in growing your own club and program. It’s up to all of us to see our sport continue to grow so others may find the same enjoyment we have had in this sport.


To get started please go to http://VTWinter.postalleague.com . Team Captains need to go directly to the web site to register their team and pay fees (via credit card), Contact Matt Haggstrom at matt@netcompetitor.com with any technical issues with registering.  Plus I can help you with a lot of issues.

Kindly inform me if your team will continue to participate this year and your numbers. If you have any contact with other clubs or shooters please forward this announcement to them and invite them to join us.

If you have any questions or concerns now or throughout the season please do not hesitate to contact me at home 518-298-7776 or via e-mail at VTWinterPostalLeague@yahoo.com  you can find the league on Facebook, please look us up “like” us and share some photos of your club and team.

Looking forward to another great season,

See you all at the range.

Peter Visconti
Director, Vermont Winter Postal League

VTWinterPostalLeague2015LeagueRules (PDF, 98KB)

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NY: Dec Plattsburgh Prone Results

NY: Dec Plattsburgh Prone Results: 2014-ny-plattsburgh-prone (PDF, 48KB)

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December 2014 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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CT: JORC, Jan 3-4

CT: JORC, Jan 3-4: BRC_2015_JORC (PDF, 56KB)

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NH: JORC Smallbore, Jan 24

NH: Smallbore JORC match on Saturday January 24: Match Program 2015 NH JORC Smallbore (PDF, 171KB)

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NH: Precision Air Rifle Junior Sectional, Jan 31

NH: Precision Air Rifle Junior Sectional, Jan 31: Match Program 2015 NRA International Air Rifle Junior Sectional (PDF, 90KB)

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CT: Shoreline Classic, Dec 13-14

CT: The 2014 Shoreline Classic being held at the Niantic Sportsmen’s club on it’s traditional weekend, Dec. 13-14, 2014. NSC.Jr.2014 match program (PDF, 65KB)


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November 2014 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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NH: JORC, Dec 20

NH: JORC, Dec 20: Match Program 2015 NH JORC Air Rifle (PDF, 169KB)

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CT: USA Shooting PTO, Nov 29-30

CT: USA Shooting PTO, Nov 29-30: November PTO (PDF, 104KB)

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MA: Seminar with Jamie Beyerle Gray, Nov 22

MA: Seminar with Jamie Beyerle Gray, Nov 22

2014 New England-ELEY RIFLE SEMINAR (PDF, 147KB)

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