2012 Georgia State Smallbore Prone Championships
The Georgia smallbore championships will be held on August 18-19, 2012 at Riverbend Gun Club just north of metro Atlanta. A new format this year combines metric and conventional matches with metallic and anysight stages over the two days of competition. Day one will be metallic sights using the conventional targets for 50 Yard and Dewar matches then switching to the international metric targets for a Dewar and 100 meter match. Day two will be anysights using the conventional targets for 100 Yard and 50 Meter matches then switching once again to the international metric targets for a Reverse Dewar and 50 Meter match. Sounds confusing? A little perhaps, but should be fun if the correct targets are hung for each stage. This will yield two 1600’s, metallic and scope days, a state conventional prone champion and a state metric prone champion, and the Georgia state 2012 overall prone champion. The stat office will be kept busy, especially at the conclusion of firing on day two, and once all the hanging chads are examined by the following Tuesday, the class and overall winners will be crowned. RBGC is the home of some of the best competition and smallbore facilities anywhere and shooters of all levels are encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact match director Tommy Steadman (404) 392-7050 or check www.rbgc.org
You can download the match programs here: 2012 Sate Champs Combined (PDF, 204KB)