River Bend Gun Club is once again proud to hold the Fall 2400 Metric Regional Championships on Sept 17-18 with practice sessions available on Friday. Metallic sight matches on Saturday and scope matches on Sunday. Two-person team matches also on Sunday. The heat wave has broken and the temperatures have been in the 70’s this week. This is a great time of year to be shooting in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns. Information about the range and local accommodations is available from the website www.rbgc.org and the match program here: 2011 Metric Regional Championship Program (PDF, 94 KB)
All metric all the time or at least all weekend. For more information and questions contact Tommy Steadman Match Director at 404-392-7050.
About Dennis Lindenbaum
Dennis Lindenbaum began competitive shooting late in life starting with conventional pistol and then international 50 meter and air pistol events after a chance introduction to target firearms by a co-worker. The opportunity to lie on a mat while shooting, given his natural propensity for sloth, meant a switch to smallbore prone in 2008. A member of the Black Hawk Rifle Club and the 1600 club, he has been selected to the US Dewar Team. Dennis was a firing member of the 2010 National Championship Metallic Sight Prone Team. He assists with monthly smallbore match operations at River Bend Gun Club near his home in Marietta, Ga. Married, with two daughters, he earned a PhD from George Washington University and is a Clinical Neuropsychologist.