by Hap Rocketto
A shooting match is a two way street that is traveled by the sponsor and the competitor. Each has goals and each has responsibilities to insure safe travel. The responsibilities are laid out in the rules books of the various disciplines. They follow common rules and, with the exception of some specific details, are the same for whatever gun is being shot. The duties and responsibilities of the competitor are laid down in section 18 of the NRA Rule Book while those of the match sponsor are stated in the various sections pertaining to match operation.
In general the competitor has just a few common sense rules to follow. The competitor must cooperate with the tournament officials to insure the conduct of a safe and efficient match. Furthermore the competitor must be familiar with the match program and comply with the various aspects of the match outlined in the document. The competitor must follow all range commands and is responsible for signing score cards in high power and pistol matches as well as checking the score board. A thorough knowledge of the rules and the adherence to those rules in regard to equipment and position is required. Perhaps this can be best summarized as the competitor must know the rules of the sport and comply with them
The match sponsor is responsible for conducting a safe and efficient match with the cooperation of the competitor. The sponsor’s duties begin with filing the match application with the NRA and only ends when the match bulletin and the awards are in hands of the competitors. In between the folks who run the match must order the targets. Prepare the range, arrange for the match staff, conduct the match in a safe and efficient manner, get the scores up as quickly as possible, and then see that the competitors receive bulletins and awards in a timely manner.
While all of this, on both sides of the fence, seems obvious it is amazing how many times things fall through the cracks. From the sponsor’s view it seems that the most important things the competitor can do are to be preregistered or have correct change at post registration, be safe, and cooperate with the range crew. From the competitor’s view the important things are an organized registration and squadding procedure, an efficient range and stat crew, and the speedy delivery of bulletins and awards.
I have run a great many matches and shot in more than I care to, or can, remember. I am sure I have violated most of the precepts I have just stated at one time or another. Perhaps the best thing we can do is realize that we all make mistakes and roll with the punches. Most matches are well run from both points of view and when it does not happen it is best to maintain a good sense of humor and try to be understanding. If it keeps up, don’t worry because poorly prepared matches, like poorly prepared competitors, just don’t last long.
Very well said!!!