Upcoming matches

These matches are on the match calendar but here are the match programs if you need them.

pdf 2009_NH Indoor Junior State Championship

pdf 2009_CT Quaker Hill Outdoor 3P

pdf 2009 MA USA Shooting Prone 

pdf 2009_CT Presidents Match

pdf 2009 MA State Championship (Prone and 3P)

About H

Dan started shooting competitive smallbore in 1986. During his Junior career, he earned two national junior team titles as well as local and regional wins. After a 10 year year hiatus to attend college and start a family, Dan returned to the sport and has added local, sectional and regional wins to his shooting resume. Dan is a Distinguished Rifleman, National Record Holder, U.S Dewar Team Member, Black Hawk Rifle Club Member, Digby Hand Schützenverein member, and is the founder of pronematch.com. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and 2 children.
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2 Responses to Upcoming matches

  1. Ellen says:

    Thank you Dan………

  2. Anthony says:

    hey everyone…I’m looking for pricing for a Embroidered jacket panel for our club…I have a price but it seems a little steep…

    S.P.A.L. – CT

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