HPM Menu Update

Pizza from Dino's this Thursday served with Dan's "World Famous BBQ Salad" 


Pizza from Dino's this Thursday served with Dan's "World Famous BBQ Salad"


We’ve got 16 17 19 people planning on attending this Thursday’s match–not bad for a Thursday night! I’m going to order pizza from Dino’s instead of doing burgers so people don’t have to wait too long to eat (plus it will free me up to socialize). I’ll bring my “World Famous BBQ Salad” as a side dish. Don’t forget to bring a beverage and a lawn chair…and clips for your target.

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Remember wind and mirage?

Well it was a long and cold winter here in a New England. After grudgingly spending the entire winter shooting on cold and dirty indoor ranges, I finally managed to sneak over to the outdoor range today. Wow, was it refreshing to get outdoors again! It was a bit strange to be dealing with wind and mirage after so many months of 50 foot shooting, but it was worth it. 70 degrees and sunny. Just a reminder to those coming to the prone match next Thursday, remember to bring clips for your target and some wedges for the the target frame. See you there!

First day shooting outdoors since last Fall. A trusting club member took this photo with my camera.

First day shooting outdoors since last Fall. A trusting club member took this photo with my camera.

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HPM matches start next week

Next Thursday (4/23) is the first match in the Hopkinton Prone Match Series. We’ll start shooting as close to 6pm as possible and dinner will be served after the match (bring your own beverage). The format and cost will remain the same as last year (40 shots prone at 100 yards, dinner, $5). Thursday’s dinner menu will be fresh ground chuck burgers, homemade potato salad with bacon, and iceberg salad.

This year I’m asking that people contact me via email or the contact page the Monday before each match if you are planning on coming. This will help me figure out how much food I need to prepare for the dinner. Thanks.

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2009 Camp Perry Entries Open



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Upcoming matches

These matches are on the match calendar but here are the match programs if you need them.

pdf 2009_NH Indoor Junior State Championship

pdf 2009_CT Quaker Hill Outdoor 3P

pdf 2009 MA USA Shooting Prone 

pdf 2009_CT Presidents Match

pdf 2009 MA State Championship (Prone and 3P)

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2009 RI Sectional Roundup

2009 RI Sectional Roundup
By Digby Hand

The Massasoit Gun Club hosted a trio of National Rifle Association National Indoor Smallbore Rifle Championship sectionals during the grayest days of this winter. Starting on the last weekend in January competitors converged on the clubs’ facilities in Riverside to contest the NRA International Championship, a grueling 120 shot, three position, metallic sight match, on the demanding international target. Continue reading

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Oh, Yes I have….

Oh, Yes I have….
By Hap Rocketto

Giuseppe Paolo DiMaggio, Jr. and Norma Jeane Mortenson were on a honeymoon visit to Japan in January of 1954 when Norma, more popularly known as Marilyn Monroe, was asked to entertain US troops in Korea. She agreed and ended up thrilling over 100,000 servicemen, while showing them what they were really fighting for, in a whirlwind tour of ten outdoor shows in four days in Arctic conditions. She was at her height as the world’s premier sex symbol and, as such was, greeted with all the enthusiasm that that role could stir up. Continue reading

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RI Champ and West Point Pics

Myself, Don Norris and Erik Hoskins shot the RI Championship this past Saturday and then traveled down to West Point for a 60/40/40 match on Sunday. There was much revelry and some good stories that I dare not share here. But, here are a few pictures from the weekend…

Trouble viewing the pictures below? Try here….

[flickrset id=”72157615908497867″ thumbnail=”square” overlay=”true” size=”medium”]

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202 days until Camp Perry…well, now 120…

UPDATE: Found a photo of inside building 1002 on Flickr.

5° degrees this morning here in eastern Massachusetts on the first day of 2009. No more than 2 years ago, I used to enjoy the New England winters, but after last year’s snow storms (and several hundred tablets of Ibuprofen for my back), I’m finding myself a little hostile towards the winter that is setting in around us this year. It certainly makes me look back fondly at the warm outdoor shooting season of last, and I eagerly anticipate the 2009 outdoor season that still seems so far away.

Speaking of the 2009 outdoor season, Camp Perry is going to look a little different this year for those of us who have fond memories of the wailing wall (i.e. the building 1002 where the scores are posted). The wailing wall has been demolished to make way for a new building that will perform the function of its predecessor as well as that of the awards, entry, finance, and scoring offices. I’m sure the new building will be nice, but I’m going to miss the stuffy, dimly lit, grease pencil walls of building 1002. No doubt the whirring of the industrial fans that so inefficiently cooled the building will be replaced with the hum of cold air conditioned comfort—even if your score isn’t that comforting. I dug through all of my old pictures but don’t seem to have any pictures of building 1002. If anyone has a picture of the wailing wall, send it to me and I will publish it. Perhaps staff historian Rocketto has something in his archives? [EDIT: Hap has pulled through and provided a picture of building 1002]
Wailing Wall

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NCAA Rifle Championships

The NCAA will be webcasting the NCAA Rifle Championships. You can help competitive shooting by going to the webcasting tomorrow (Saturday 3/14) to view the video of the air rifle championships. The NCAA will be counting the visitors to the site so the number of “hits” is important (usually only one link per computer will be counted…so log in from your desktop, laptop, etc). This is a first for NCAA Rifle…it is important that we send a message to the NCAA that there is an interest in the competitive shooting sports! Our goal is 1,000 hits…this will make a positive statement that will benefit the shooting sports.

What will you be able to view…a remote camera will be setup downrange looking back at the firing line…which will pan the shooters. There will also be a link to the results.

To find the link to the webcast and results…go to… www.gofrogs.com …if it brings you to an “intro”…skip…and continue to the gofrogs main page. The #1 top story will be the rifle championships and you will find the links.

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Mass State Rifle Team at Palmyra, PA

The Mass State Rifle Team traveled to Palmyra PA to compete in the 10th Annual Palmyra Invitational. The match continues to be well attended with many college teams competing. The matches fired followed USAShooting rules and consisted of a 60 shot smallbore 3-position match and a 60 shot air rifle match.

Eight juniors and one aged coach all competed in both matches. From the Hanson Rod and Gun club were Jess Liston, Jeff Caron, Ricky Freitas and Alex Zadrozny. Kim Coffey represented the Holliston Sportsmen’s Association. Dave Hennessey was from Old Colony and Dillon Novak and Max Snyderman were from the Maspenock Gun Club. The Mass State Gold team consisted of Kim, Max, Ricky and Alex. The Mass State Silver team was Jess, Jeff, Dillon and Dave. Continue reading

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What’s ahead For NRA Smallbore?

What’s ahead For NRA Smallbore & Air Rifle?
from Mike Krei, Director, NRA Competitive Shooting Division

NRA Distinguished Smallbore Rifleman
The NRA Distinguished Smallbore Rifleman program, established in 1965, has added a new pin, patch, and certificate for those distinguished shooters who have won both Prone and Position Distinguished. The new award will be available by the summer. Shooters who attend the National Championships can stop by the NRA Trophy Building and claim their awards. Other Double Distinguished winners will receive their Double Distinguished awards later this year by mail. Continue reading

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Shooting Sports USA


NRA’s publication Shooting Sports USA is now available monthly for free in digital format.


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Anschutz’ new ad campaign

A friend sent this over to me today. It seems that Anschutz has resorted to sex in order to maintain world domination. I think this was shot in 2006 but if you haven’t seen it……

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4P and 3P Sectional Updates

Both the post on the 3P Sectional and the 4P sectional have been updated with some new pictures (thanks, Nicole). There is also a write-up  for the 4-position match.

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RI 4P Sectional

Massasoit Rifle Club sponsored its third NRA smallbore rifle sectional of the year on Sunday February 22 and the third time was the charm for Rhode Island’s geriatric rifleman Hap Rocketto. Continue reading

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RI 3P Open Sectional

This weekend (February 14th and 15th) was the 3P Open Sectional in East Providence. Below are a couple Continue reading

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Vote for our new domain name

Well, we got a number of suggestions on what our new domain name might be. Some names were unavailable but some of the available names are listed below.



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Reading Rifle Smallbore Prone Matches

If you’re up in the North Shore-ish area of MA, the Tricketts are running some 100 yard smallbore prone matches on Thursdays this summer. The course of fire is the same as the Hopkinton matches, 40 shots at 100 yards. For more information you can contact Charlie Trickett at charlieATtrickettwoodworks.com and you can see the scheduled match dates on our handy new match calendar. Reading has a great range and it should be a lot of fun. Hey Charlie, if you run 12 matches between May through August, you could join us in the Nite Owl League. For the Nite Owl League, scores are submitted each week to the league statistician so you can see how you match up against shooters in four or five different locations including Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and Canada.

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Say Cheese!

Want to have a fancy picture of yourself next to your comment when you post on a website? It’s called a Gravatar and all you have to do is go to http://en.gravatar.com/ and upload a picture and you’re done!

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The after-match…

Regarding the RI 3P Sectional, I forgot to mention that after the match, many of us went over to Miller’s Roast Beef and ate copious amounts of cow. 

Lunchtime topics of conversation included:

• The history of the NRA National Match prone course of fire…..yes, Hap was there.

• Yes, the 50 yard match has been dropped from Camp Perry this year. We liked it the way it was, but is it really that big of a deal?

• Pork chops and pickled peppers…..yes, Hap was there.




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