Black Hawk Cross Fire Award

Worn by Tommy Steadman two times during the iron sight phase of 2010 National Matches

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Prone Metallic Day 1 Leaderboard

The NRA results site isn’t currently updating scores for some reason so here is a snap shot of the leaderboard.

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Day 1 Metallic Sights

Today was the first day of Metallic Sights prone.  We had a sampling of all kinds of weather today– rain and gusty winds in the morning and sun and gusty winds in the afternoon. The Mentor Match followed the completion of match 333. The Mentor Match consists of 2 person teams, one junior and one adult, and the course of fire is the Dewar (20 shots at 50 yards, 20 shots at 100 yards).

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Three Position Awards Ceremony

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The Sun Sets on the Three Position Championships

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The Drew Cup, 2010

The 2010 Drew Cup

The 2010 Drew Cup Team

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Notes from the Beach Tower at Camp Perry

The view from the beach tower at Camp Perry

by Joe Graf

The staff got a birds-eye view of Camp Perry today when they climbed the stairs to the range control beach tower. Located northeast of the ranges along the shore of Lake Erie, the Ohio National Guard tower personel use radar, forward looking infared radar, marine radios, and a computer to monitor the weather and impact area of Lake Erie. They also have access to a patrol boat when necessary.

The impact area is within a pie shape wedge centered at the tower extending out three miles into the lake and three miles along the shore west of the tower. Recently updated radar equipment allow the personel to view markers that designate the restircted area, boat and other watercraft in the area as well as wake of the traveling watercraft.

Once we reached the top of the stairs, we entered the enclosure and was provided a tour of the equipment used by the range control personel. We turned around and looked west and south of the tower and was greated with a spectular view of the firing ranges.

We would like to thank SFC Reynolds and SFC Ridner for allowing us the opportunity to view the range control beach tower operations.

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3P Team Day

Three Position Team day is under way with light winds and hot and muggy conditions. Thunderstorms are expected this afternoon during the firing of the Drew Cup and prone practice.

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Individual 3P Wraps Up…

The Individual Three Position National Championship has wrapped up out here at Camp Perry, just in time for some more severe weather to move through. Today was very hot and very windy with temperatures near 100 degrees and winds gusting upwards toward 50mph. Tomorrow is 3P Team day and the Drew Cup Match will be fired. The forecast is Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Hot and humid with highs in the lower 90s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph…Increasing to west 15 to 20 mph in the afternoon. Chance of rain 50 percent. Heat index values up to 105.

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View from the Main Tower

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Severe Weather

We wrapped up the first day of 3P competition just before some severe weather including a Tornado warning moved through the Camp Perry area.

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Road to Perry 3200, Day 1

A small group of hard holders, and me, are at Bristol shooting the Road To Perry 3200 run by Haven Williams.

The weather was overcast most of the day and the winds were tricky but that did not stop Mark Delcotto, one of my Roberts Team members, from shooting a 1600-137X with irons. Rick Curtis is hot on his heels with a 1599-128X and the 81 year old Joe Framer and 71 year old Lones Wigger-and a few other young studs are in the race with 1598s.

Haven sponsored a sticker match and the competitors scored their neighbor’s targets, which greatly hastened things. We started at 8:30AM and were done by 1PM!

We are following the Perry position results from here and are happy to sse so many of the loyal fan base doing well.

We had a rain shower in the afternoon, which may get to Perry later tonight, did some laundry and rested up. We will be off to Perry right after the match Friday.

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Camp Perry Time Lapse 2

Here’s a time lapse of our day today…

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Complete Metric Championship Results

Here are the complete Metric Championship results from Bristol Indiana.

Abbreviated NRA 2010 Metric Championship Results


Champ-Kevin Nevius-1181

Second-Eitan Barazani-1178

Third-Mark DelCotto-1176

1st Master Nancy Tompkins-1167

1st Expert-Ginger McLemore-1174 also 1st ISR

1st Sharpshooter-Sharon Barazani-1172

1st Marksman-Whitney Everest-1139

1st Senior-Charlie Kemp-1170

1st Junior-Mike Seery-1168

Team-Black Hawk Chief-Nevius and Barazani


Champ-Joe Farmer-1180

Second- Ginger McLemore-1177

Third- Kevin Nevius-1176

1st Master-Rick Curtis-1175

1st Expert-Charlie Kemp-1175 also 1st SR

1st Sharpshooter-Sharon Barazani-1165

1st Marksman-William Wilkerson-1159

1st Junior-Elijah Ellis-1158

Team-Black Hawk Winchester 52Ds-Kemp and Dave Cramer



Second- McLemore-2351

Third- Joe Farmer-2346

1st Master-Rick Curtis-2341

1st Expert-Charlie Kemp-2345 also 1st SR

1st Sharpshooter-Sharon Barazani-2337 and 1st Woman

1st Marksman-Whitney Everest-2294

1st Junior-Mike Seery-2322

1st Intermediate Senior-Wayne Forshee-2331

Team-Black Hawk Winchester 52Ds-Kempa and Dave Cramer

Team Black hawk Chiefs-Nevius and Barazani-4693

Complete Results Below:

2010-Metric-National-Position (Excel, 1.6MB)

2010-Metric_National_Prone (Excel, 1.2MB)

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Camp Perry Time Lapse 1

As if the trip to Camp Perry wasn’t boring enough, we thought we’d condense it into a time lapse video for you! The camera stopped storing images about half way through but we’re going to give it another try today.

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PA: 3200 Prone Regional, Muhlenburg, Results

submitted by Kevin Clarke

The Pennsylvania NRA Regional Prone 3200 was held in Muhlenburg , PA on July 10-11. Complete results can be downloaded here:2010-pa-3200 (Excel, 45KB)

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Canada: 2010 National Matches

The 2010 Canadian National Matches were fired at the Beachburg Gun Club in Beachburg, Ontario from July 2-11. Complete results can be downloaded here: 2010-canada-national-matches (PDF, 106KB)

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Bristol Update, 8/20/10

The first US National Metric Metallic Sight National Championship is in the book and the Great Scorer in the Sky has inscribed Kevin Nevius in the champion’s spot.

Kevin shot an 1170 using Lapua Xact, a Walter action, his own handmade wooden stock and a lija barrel.

It was an overcast day which promised, but did not deliver, rain.  The heat and humidity were up there and the winds were playful.

While the turn out was in the mid 40s the concentration of high caliber, pardon the pun, shooters was great.

I’ll have more detail and scores tomorrow.

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Bristol Update, 8/19/10

It was a quiet day at the Wa-Ka’Da Range today as the prone competitors checked in, pressed the flesh, and hit the line to practice.  Each competitor received a blue Shooting Sports USA bag, reminiscent of one of those green recycle grocery bags one sees at the super market.  It contained a commemorative T shirt, program, 1010 NRA rule book, and carry bag from the Collegiate Club Championships, and a few other pieces of helpful literature.

Relays were run a 30 minute intervals and there were always a dozen or shooters working out the kinks or travel, or-believe it or not- testing ammunition, or simply getting a feel for the place.

It is a well maintained and modern facility of 100 covered firing points.  The range is as flat a billiard table and surrounded by high trees on the right and left and the target line. Buildings help block the wind from six but a look at the many flags, as well as a peek though a spotting scope, reveal that all is not quiet forward of the firing line.  The mirage can be heavy and the winds unpredictable.

Turning pistol frames at 25 yards are so placed as to block off adjacent targets making it virtually impossible to crossfire at 50 meters.  There is no 100 meter line so we will shoot long range on reduced targets.

Box lunches were for sale at a reasonable price and the pace was slow and measured. A table was set up top display the rather large amount of awards. I was also amused by the fact that we all had to fill out a Tax Form W-9 is which is used by the IRS to request your taxpayer identification number.  It was needed because there is some serious money, at least to a smallbore shooter, in gift cards to the winners.

About the only excitement was when I discovered I forgot to pull out my ignition key and had a flat battery.  With in a minute or two Bob DelCotto dug a pair of jumpers out of his truck, Ron Wigger hooked me up to his Army van, and ten minutes later my car was purring like the proverbial kitten.  I was reminded of the time Erik Hoskins wanted loud music at Perry and ran down his battery in the interest of group entertainment.

I wrote my Shooting Sports USA article on the position matches this afternoon as Steve, you guessed it, took a nap.  It will be a quiet evening and we will be off to the range about 7:15 for the metallic sight day.

There are only about 45 or so shooters entered but with the likes of Ron Wigger, Nancy Tomkins, Rick Curtis, Charlie Kemp, Jeff Doerschler, Dave Cramer, Allen Elliot, Jim Miller, Ginger McLamore, the Barazinis, Bob DelCotto, mother and daughter Makucevich, Abby Fong,  and a host of others it will be a tough match.

Don’t touch that dial as I’ll be back at the same time tomorrow.

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Bristol Update, 6/18/10

Steve Rocketto just "Rests his Eyes" for a minute during the 13 hour trip to Bristol, IN

After 12 hours and 40 minutes of total travel time we arrived at the Jamison Inn in Elkhart, Indiana.  Earlier we had passed the Route 250 cut off for Camp Perry but forged on to our destination.  When we entered Interstate 80 and the GPS read, “Continue on this road for 623 miles” all we could think of was Dante Alighieri’s The Inferno, in which he wrote, “Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch’entrate”-“All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter Here”.  But knowing there was a rifle match at the end of the trek we began to think more positively. Interstate 80 became Frank Baum’s the road of yellow bricks from the Wizard of Oz and we were on our way to an Emerald City.

Jeff Doerschler and Abby Fong of Digby Hand display the grand aggregate team trophy of the inaugural US Metric 3p Championships. Doerschlerr was first in the any sight agg and second in grand agg. Fong was first in the iron agg and is the indivial Metric National Champion

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MA: Bay State Games Results

Competitors at the 2010 Junior Bay State Games. Photo by Kevin Winters.

The Junior portion of the Bay State Games were shot on July 17 at Reading Rifle and Revolver. You can doenload the complete results here: 2010-ma-junior-bay-state-games (Excel, 20KB)

You can also view some pictures from the event taken by Kevin Winters here.

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