Shooter Spotlight: Caitlin Morrissey

The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 58th interview in the series.

Caitlin Morrissey


Where do you call home?
I am from Topeka, Kansas. My home shooting range is Capital City Gun Club.

How long have you been shooting?
I have been shooting since I was 8 years old, which translates to about 12 years now.

How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
I went to the range with my Dad when I was young and shot with him. I had natural skill and I liked it, so I started shooting more often. Then I got involved in the Junior Shooting Program at Capital City Gun Club (CCGC) and shot against boy scouts and other guys that came out to shoot. I thought it was fun to beat the boys, so I kept at it and got better. My Dad introduced me to competitive shooting and I have been traveling to do so ever since.

What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
When I am shooting, I like to sing songs in my head. It keeps me from thinking too much about the match.

What do you consider your finest shooting achievement.
My finest shooting accomplishment would have to be winning the 2010 NCAA Championships as a freshman. I shoot for Texas Christian University’s Women’s Rifle Team and we won the championship. I was one of the four firing members of the championship team. We were the first all woman’s team to win in the history of the NCAA sport. I was also named an NRA All-American my freshman year.

What is your favorite pre-match meal?
I like to eat Subway before I shoot or strawberry Nutri-Grain bars (if it’s in the morning). I also like to eat Teddy Grahams during breaks in matches.

What is your favorite post match drink?
Dr. Pepper definitely!

Do you have a favorite shooting range?
I don’t know that I can name a favorite, but I like shooting at Camp Perry and at Fort Benning. Although it is fun to travel, I also like shooting at home at CCGC during the summer and at the TCU Rifle Range during the school year.

Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
I would like to win another NCAA Championship before I graduate, as well as make All-American for the next three years.

What shooting skills are currently focusing your energy on?
I am currently working on consistency, being sure that I can balance all three positions plus air rifle, yet still maintain and possibly improve.

Thanks Caitlin for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!

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CT: 2010 Great Pumpkin Match Results

Shawn Carpenter, Bill Neff, and Joe Graff

The 2010 Great Pumpkin Match

Had William Shakespeare covered the first day of the 2010 Great Pumpkin Match held at the Bell City Rifle Club he would have reserved  these lines from King Lear to describe the conditions, “Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow! You cataracts and hurricanes, spout.”

The winds, gusting to 40 miles per hour ,were only part of the problem for the competitors also faced constantly changing light conditions as the low clouds scudded by and further worsened by the long shadows of mid October.  By the end of the day the physical and mental exhaustion brought on by the challenging conditions and the metric targets had taken it toll.

The day began with the 100 yard match metallic sight match.  Bill Neff, a former Connecticut junior, shooting a 52 B action in a Sitman stock, topped the field with a 380-11X.  Unclassified rifleman Jeff Henry’s 375-13X took that class while Expert Shawn Carpenter eked out another 375, with 14 Xs, to win that class.  Junior Anthony Cuozzo fired a 374-7X to best all Marksmen.

Leaf filled wind devils danced across the range during the reverse Dewar which was won by Joe Graf’s 377-9X.  Henry racked up another win with a 364-6 while Chet Ruscio bested his Expert class brethren with a 374-11X.  Cuozzo cruised to marksman win with a 359.10X.

The final match of the day had the targets a mere 50 yards away but there was no relief from the unremitting wind.  Nicole Rossignol, a hard holder from Canada, broke into the winner’s circle with a score of 381-12X.  Neff took the Expert class with a 380-13X as Mackenzie Martin broke Henry’s lock on unclassified with a 377-12X.  Cuozzo cruised on sweeping the Marksman class with his 370-5X.

At the end of the trying day Carpenter was in the lead with an 1131-40X while Expert Neff followed him with an 1126-35X. Henry and Cuozzo handily captured their classes with an 1112-28X and an 1101-22X respectively.

Any sight day was gem of a New England autumn day, clear, dry, and cool.   While it was a dramatic and positive change from the day before it brought with it its own problem: the dry air eliminated any chance of reading the wind through mirage.

Carpenter took up where he left off on day one by winning the 100 yard match with a 386-15X.  Ruscio was first Expert firing a 385-16X.  Henry rolled on with a 373-10X but Eric Sloan broke Cuozzo’s strangle hold on the Marksman class with a 366-7X.

Hap Rocketto and Neff dueled it out in the Dewar with Rocketto sliding by with a 388-15X to Neff’s 388-13X for the win.  Neff settled for the Expert class title.  Henry, to no one’s surprise, was unclassified winner with a 373-10X.  Cuozzo stepped up his game to return to the top of the Marksman class with a 370-9X.

The last match of the day was, for all intents and purposes, the last outdoor match of the season and it was won by Neff with a 393-19X and with it a score of 1163-44X for the any sight aggregate win.  Rocketto again found himself in a tie, this time with Graf.  Both posted 390s but Rocketto managed to shoot one more X than his fellow Rhode Islander to take the class award, but Carpenter won the Expert class with an 1158-48X.  Henry and Cuozzo continued to dominate their classes by shooting an383-11X and a 384-13X, also winning their class in any sights.

Over the last two matches Carpenter’s grand aggregate lead had been slowly nibbled away by Neff, his surge at 50 yards made for a finish that would only be decided in the scoring room. When all was totaled up both had identical scores of 2289 but Carpenter had four more Xs any sight and five with irons giving him a total of 88 Xs to Neff’s 79. In pretty convincing fashion Neff, Henry, and Cuozzo won their classes.

In aggregate competition it was Carpenter, Neff, and Graf on the steps of the podium shooting 2289-88X, 2289-79X, and 2268-57X.  Rocketto’s 2264-60X was tops in both Expert class and Senior category. Henry’s 2237-56X performance bested all unclassified shooters and Cuozzo’s 2216-50X got him Marksman and intermediate junior laurels.  Martin mustered a score of 2208-47X to pick up sub junior honors.  Rossignol was high woman with a 2258-57X.

The team match for both days was a two man paper 50 yard match and was swept by RICONN: Rhode Island resident Graf and Connecticut resident Carpenter.  While they ran away with the iron sight title they were severely challenged in any sight match by The Bailiff and the Bondsman, a pair that will not let facts interfere with a good alliterative team name for Bob Lynn is not a bailiff but rather New Hampshire’s Superior Court Chief Justice and Rocketto is not actually a bondsman, he just has had a lot to do with them and is also a friend of one.  RICONN bested The Bailiff and the Bondsman by a score of 762-30X to 761-27X.

The Great Pumpkin Match is one of the two bookends that contains the southern New England outdoor season.  It closes the year and everyone parted to endure the cold damp of the gallery season until the Digby Hand Match open the outdoor season in April.

Complete results can be downloaded here: 2010-ct-great-pumpkin-results (PDF, 106KB)

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CT: Great Pumpkin Day 1 Prelim Results

Metric Day 1 Metallic Sights

1. Shawn Carpenter-1131
2. Bill Neff-1126
3. Joe Graf-1122

Conditions: Gusty winds to 40mph, cloudy and 50 degrees.

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Photo of the Week

The "Good Luck at Camp Perry" cake baked by Loraine Lee for the Hopkinton Prone Match competitors prior to the 2010 National Matches.

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GA: 2010 Champion of Champions Results

The 2010 Champion of Champions match was held this past week at Fort Benning, GA. You can download the complete results here: 2010-ga-champion-of-champions-results (XLS, 152KB)

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CT: Bridgeport Rifle and Air PTOs, Nov 13 and 20

Bridgeport Rifle Club in Connecticut will be hosting a Rifle PTO on Nov 13th and an Air Rifle PTO on Nov 2oth. You can download the match programs here:

2010-ct-bridegeport-rifle-program (PDF, 90KB)

2010-ct-bridegeport-air-program (PDF, 74KB)

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NRA Competitive Shooting News

from the NRA

2010 National Championships
I hope that you all would agree that the 2010 Championship season was one of the best in recent years. Many of the upgrades and improvements that your Competitive Shooting Staff members have developed are making a marked improvement on our Championships.

Some of the highlights of these efforts are the improved awards schedules implemented in all NRA National Championships, improved communications with the upgrades to Shooting Sports, USA and the advent of our new E News letter that you are now reading. More care and attention to our ranges and range maintenance at our Championships host ranges including better targets, frames, wind flags and other such improvements. New Corporate sponsors have made a lot of this new activity possible and I would like to thank all of our Sponsors for their continued support.

You have asked us for these improvements and we are listening. The NRA is not immune to the effects of the turndown of the economy so we may not be able to continue the improvements at the pace we have over the past three years but we will continue our efforts to bring you the best Championships possible.

One of the most important 2010 objectives for the Competitive Shooting Division was to have a fully operational web based online sanction program up and running by year end. Well, the work is complete and the program will go up online October 1, 2010. We will send out a special email alerting you to the proper URL as we get everything finalized.

Online Tournament Sanctioning Up and Running
NRA sanctioned over 11,000 tournaments in 2010 and this is a very nice increase in local, State and Regional Tournaments. We thank each of you for working with NRA Staff to sanction your matches. Next year it will even be easier with our new online tournament sanction website, I discussed this in last month’s issue. Watch Shooting Sports, USA for a complete story “New Online Tournament Process Goes Live” in the November 2010 digital edition. This story will walk you through the system and show you screen shots of the actual program.

We are working hard to get our 2011 Sectional programs written and available to all Sectional Tournament sponsors. Rifle, Pistol and Collegiate Sectional information will be out soon.  The online tournament sanctioning is up and running!  To get started, visit our NRA Online Tournament Registration website at

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Shooter Spotlight: Josie Burzynski

The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 57th interview in the series.

Josie Burzynski


Where do you call home?
My home is in Stratford, Connecticut, and my home range is Bridgeport Rifle Club. My temporary residence is in El Paso, Texas, where I am on the NCAA rifle team for the University of Texas at El Paso.

How long have you been shooting?
I started shooting my sophomore year in high school, so about 7 years.

How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
My dad was bringing my brother, Mikey, to BRC to have him try shooting and I went along. From then I started shooting for their junior program, shot on my high school team, and now I shoot in college.

What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
My favorite hobbies are shopping, reading, and knitting. I will also be getting my bachelors degree in English & American Literature from UTEP.

What do you consider your finest shooting achievement?
I qualified as an individual for NCAA Championships in 2009 for air rifle, and finished 18th overall.

What is your favorite pre-match meal?
The night before a match I love to have pizza. Before the match for breakfast I either have a bagel or eggs.

What is your favorite post match drink?
Lemonade or something sweet!

Do you have a favorite shooting range?
The range at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs is definitely my favorite.

Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
An important goal I have now would be to make NCAA Championships again this year (being my senior year) and make All-American.

What shooting skill are currently focusing your energy on?
I’ve been trying to focus more energy on air rifle. It’s usually my weaker gun and I would like to be more consistent with it this year.

Thanks Josie for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!

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[UPDATED] A Short History of the Distinguished Shooter Program

This document has been updated:

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[UPDATED] A History of the United States National Outdoor Smallbore Rifle Championship 1919-2010

This document has been updated:

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TX: Regional Prone 3200 Results

San Antonio Texas held its NRA Smallbore Prone Regional Championship on October 2-3. Complete match results can be downloaded here: 2010-tx-regional-prone (PDF, 45KB)

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2010 Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games are under way in India. Here is a link to some shooting related photos:…llery_3897.xml

And you will find the shooting schedule here:

From Wikipedia:

The Commonwealth Games is an international, multi-sport event which has been held quadriennially (except 1942 and 1946 during the outbreak of World War II) and features competitions involving thousands of elite athletes from members of the Commonwealth of Nations.

As well as many Olympic sports, the Games also include some sports that are played mainly in Commonwealth countries, such as lawn bowls, rugby sevens and netball.[1] The Games are overseen by the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF), which also controls the sporting programme and selects the host cities. The host city is selected from across the Commonwealth, with eighteen cities in seven countries having hosted it.

The event was first held in 1930 under the title of the British Empire Games in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The event was renamed as the British Empire and Commonwealth Games in 1954, the British Commonwealth Games in 1970, and gained its current title in 1978. Only six teams have attended every Commonwealth Games: Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales. Australia has been the highest achieving team for ten games, England for seven and Canada for one.

There are currently 54 members of the Commonwealth of Nations, and 71 teams participate in the Games. The four Home Nations of the United Kingdom – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – send separate teams to the Commonwealth Games, and individual teams are also sent from the British Crown dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man (unlike at the Olympic Games, where the combined “Great Britain” team represents all four home nations and the Crown dependencies). Many of the British overseas territories also send their own teams. The Australian external territory of Norfolk Island also sends its own team, as do the Cook Islands and Niue, two states in free association with New Zealand. It has been reported that Tokelau, another dependency of New Zealand will be sending a team to the 2010 Games in New Delhi, India.

from the Commonwealth Games website here:
After winning India’s first gold medal at Delhi 2010, Gagan Narang today said shooting has achieved so much success in the recent past that it has become the number one sport in the country.

Gagan, along with Beijing Olympic gold medalist Abhinav Bindra, today clinched the 10m air rifle gold and hours after the triumph at the Dr. Karni Singh Range, the unassuming shooter asserted that “Shooting is the number 1 sport in the country at the moment”.

“If you go by medals shooters win in international competitions and their performance, then shooting is the number one,” Gagan told PTI. “Unlike other sports, we cannot express our feelings in front of the media or fans, because shooting is like that,” Gagan said.

When on song, the Hyderabadi makes shooting look like child’s play, but when asked if it comes easy to him, he instantly nooded in disagreement. “It’s never a cakewalk, it’s all about hard work. It takes a lot of energy, and above all, we are all shooting at home, so the expectations are tremendous,” Gagan said.

Asked if he is looking to emulate Samresh Jung’s feat of winning five gold medals the last edition of the Games in Melbourne in 2006, Gagan said, “I am not thinking about that right now and just taking things one event at a time, one day at a time.”

Earlier, the world record holder, after coming off a none-too-impressive season, shot a spectacular sequence of 99, 100, 100, 99, 100, 100 for a total of 598, while Bindra shot 100, 98 ,99, 100, 99, 99 to total 595 to give India the first gold medal in the quadrennial sporting extravaganza. Meanwhile, Bindra said majority of Indians would be glued to the television sets to watch the Games and not the Test match between India and Australia in Mohali, where the hosts prevailed in a nail-biter to eke out a narrow one-wicket win.

“I am very sure that they are watching the Commonwealth games,” Bindra said. “I would want to live under the illusion that our gold medal win make headlines tomorrow,” he said tongue-in-cheek, referring to the cricket match.

“It’s always a great feeling to win gold. This one is special as this is first big medal at home,” said Bindra, who has not won a single major event since bagging gold in 10m air rifle event in Beijing two years ago.

“There are huge expectations and a lot of pressure was there on us, it was not easy for me, for sure.” Asked if the 2012 London Olympics is on his mind, Bindra replied in negative.

“I am not looking at the London Games right now. I am taking one event at a time, London is still two years to go,” he said.

National coach Sunny Thomas credited Bindra and Gagan for the rise in popularity of shooting in India. “Thanks to these two guys,” Thomas said pointing to the two shooters, before adding, “the profile of shooting has gone up. The media has started following shooting because of Abhinav and Gagan.” Fairly satisfied with the results on the first day of the shooting event, Thomas said, “We have done a good job. But more than medals, we are concerned about performance. If we perform well, medals will follow.” On India’s talent pool, Thomas said, “I am glad that we have the youngest team in the world. In shooting 40-45 is not very old and we have got a very young team.”

Asked if he was disappointed after Omkar Singh and Deepak Sharma failed to win the gold medal,” the coach said, “We have to understand that they are not machines.” Anisa Sayeed, who bagged the top prize in pairs 25m pistol for women with Rahi Sarnobat, said that they were confident of winning the gold. “After the half precision, we knew we would win,” she said. -PTI

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GA: Metric Smallbore Prone Regional/State Championship, Oct 16-17

submitted by Tommy Steadman

Dawsonville, Georgia’s River Bend Gun Club will host the second annual NRA Metric Smallbore Prone Regional Championship and NRA Metric Smallbore Prone State Championship on October 16 – 17.  The two-day “2400” will be contested on RBGC’s covered and paved 40-firing point smallbore venue, Multipurpose Range 2 (MP2).

The program will begin with the Metallic Sight Regional Championship 1200 on Saturday, October 16 and conclude with the Any Sight Regional Championship 1200 on Sunday, October 17.  Individual competition begins both days at 9 AM.   In addition, a two-person team championship will be fired Saturday afternoon following conclusion of the Metallic Sight championship.

The metric state championship is a “paper match” that will be fired simultaneously using the scores fired in the Regional Championship.  The state championship is sanctioned by NRA and Georgia Sport Shooting Associations (GSSA is the NRA affiliate state association).   All competitors must enter the regional championship plus Georgia residents who wish to contend for the metric state champion title must also enter the state championship.  The 2010 NRA Metric Georgia State Champion will be the Georgia resident entered in the state championship tournament with the high grand aggregate score.  The 2010 NRA Metric Junior State Champion will be the resident junior entered in the state championship with the high grand aggregate score.

State championship competitors must be a current member of GSSA.  Those not already a member may join at registration by completing a brief membership form and paying the $15 annual dues.

For addition information about the metric regional championship, the metric state championship or RBGC’s Smallbore prone competition program, please call or write to Tommy Steadman at or 404-392-7050. You can download the complete program here: 2010-ga-metric -regional-and-state-program (106KB)

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Shooter Spotlight: Charlie Minnella

The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 56th interview in the series.

Charlie Minnella


Where do you call home?
I suppose it will always be NJ and the northeast but I currently live in Florida.

How long have you been shooting?
I had been shooting for 15 years until I finished pharmacy school and over the past year or so have gotten back into shooting.

How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
One day my father took me down to the local Police Athletic League at around 9 years old to try rifle shooting since I was more interested in individual sports than team sports. I enjoyed it very much and stuck with it. Before that I had done gymnastics and karate for about 3-4 years.

What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
I still like to play X-Box (shhhhh!)

What do you consider your finest shooting achievement?
I would say the one that had the most impact while I was a young shooter was coming in 2nd place Sub-Junior at the Jr. Olympic Championships and making the cover of InSights magazine. Although, something that took place over multiple days with more shooting and outdoor conditions was when I placed 1st Intermediate Junior at Camp Perry and that helped lead to a full scholarship to pharmacy school which has shaped the rest of my life to date.

What is your favorite pre-match meal?
Since I usually like to try and shoot early in the day I’ll have cereal with milk and probably some fruit or juice then catch the first relay of the competition.

What is your favorite post match drink?
Other than Gatorade, if the match is truly over then a nicely poured Guinness will do!

Do you have a favorite shooting range?
Absolutely. Situated outside of Dublin in the Irish countryside lies the East Coast Shooting Club, a quaint but new rifle range nestled within acres of private farmland and flanked by gorse bushes with beautiful yellow flowers.

Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
A short term goal would be to get used to many new pieces of equipment and in the long run I would like to attend more competitions and maybe even go back to school.

What shooting skills are you currently focusing your energy on?
Air Rifle mainly because of time constraints and range access, also getting used to a new Anschutz .22 cal.

Thanks Charlie for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!

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NY: The Delaware and Hudson Smallbore Rifle League

The Delaware and Hudson Smallbore Rifle League will be running for the 74th year of competition and consists of 12 matches plus a make up day. The matches will be held at West Point, NY and the match program can be downloaded here: 2010-west-point-league (PDF, 106KB)

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October 2010 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

Want it on PDF format? You can download it here. (PDF, 10MB)

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Photo of Week

A day of competition at Camp Perry begins, as it always does, with the iconic cannon blast followed by the national anthem.

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NC: Conventional Prone State Championship Results

submitted by Tommy Steadman

Match Winner and NC State Champion, Edie Fleeman. Photo by Tommy Steadman.

High Junior and NC Jr. State Champion, Brian Johnson. Photo by Tommy Steadman.

The 2010 North Carolina state championship for NRA conventional smallbore rifle prone was fired on Labor Day weekend at the Asheville Rifle & Pistol Club. Fourteen competitors from five states enjoyed beautiful fall-like western North Carolina weather and excellent shooting conditions. When the 2-day 3200 tournament was completed, NRA director Edie Fleeman emerged as the state champion for an incredible 18th time since 1976. NC State University rifle team member Brian Johnson is the NC junior state champion for the third consecutive year.

Match Winner and NC State Champion Edie Fleeman Durham, NC 3189 – 228x

1st MA: Kent Reeve Cary, NC 3184 – 218x

1st EX: Steve Hardin Duluth, GA 3171 – 222x

High Junior and  NC Jr. State Champion Brian Johnson Raleigh, NC 3159-190x

You can download the complete results here: 2010-nc-prone-championship (98KB)

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MA: Berkshire Hills 3P Tournament, Oct 23

The October Mountain Sharpshooters will host The Berkshire Hills 3 Position Rifle Tournament Saturday October 23, 2010 at the Lenox Sportsmen Club on East New Lenox Road in Lenox, MA. You can download the match program here: 2010-lenox-ma-program (PDF, 324KB)

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GA: Georgia Conv State Championship Results

submitted by Tommy Steadman

The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU) sent only one team member but he was all that was needed to cream the rest of the field on the way to winning the 2010 Georgia State Championship for NRA conventional smallbore rifle prone.  Shooting a match rifle with a receiver of his own design and manufacture, Uptagrafft dropped just one point in two days and posted 1599-139x / 1600-138x / 3199-277x to win both 1600 aggregates, the 3200 grand aggregate and the smallbore rifle prone state championship.

Madison, Alabama’s Bill Hocker (3188-214x) was second and Dennis Lindenbaum, Marietta, GA (3186-215x) was 1st Master.  Jimmie Fordham of Boaz, AL (3171-186x) won the combined EX/SS/MK class andMarietta, GA’s Mark Skuttle (3169-173x) was 2nd EX.  The team of Bill Hocker and John Davis, Cincinnati, OH, won the 2-man team championship with a score of 400-34x.  Cartersville, GA’s Jimmy Holliday (2977-53x) was high junior and is Junior State Champion.

Altogether, nineteen competitors from four states fired under sunny skies and generally good conditions.  This was in stark contrast to last year’s conventional state match when it rained all weekend leading to some of the most severe flooding in ever recorded in north Georgia.

The next smallbore rifle prone tournament at River Bend Gun Club is our NRA metric regional championship and metric state championship on October 16-17.  For information, please write or call to match director Tommy Steadman at or 404-392-7050.

Complete match results can be downloaded here: 2010-ga-conv-state=champ (PDF, 29KB)

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Shooter Spotlight: Joe Hein

The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 55th interview in the series.

Joe Hein


Where to you call home?
I live in Alabama, but call Michigan my home.

How long have you been shooting?
11 years

How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
4-H Clubs and NRA Jr Programs.

What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
I am very easy to talk to even though I seem very serious and unapproachable while at the range.

What do you consider your finest shooting achievement.
Winning the 50 prone match in Beijing China 2010

What is your favorite pre-match meal?
Peanut Butter and Blackberry Jam Sandwich.

What is your favorite post match drink?

Do you have a favorite shooting range?

Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
My short term goals are to get my world rankings for both 50 meter events back to the top ten. My long term goals are to make the US Olympic team and win an Olympic medal.

What shooting skills are currently focusing your energy on?
I am focusing most of my time on finals and my shot plans.

Thanks Joe for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!

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