VT: Winter Postal, Final

VT: Winter Postal, Final: 2016-vt-postal-final (PDF, 277KB)

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NRA Advanced Smallbore Rifle Camp, August

NRA Advanced Smallbore Rifle Camp, August: 2016_AdvSBriflecamp_registration (PDF, 155KB)

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NH: 4P Results

NH: 4P Results: 2016-4P-champ (PDF, 64KB)

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VT: Winter Postal, Week 10

VT: Winter Postal, Week 10: 2016-vt-postal-10 (PDF, 102KB)

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CT: Warm-Up Match, June 25-26

CT: Warm-Up Match, June 25-26: 2016 Warm Up Bulletin (PDF, 116KB)

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Great Teachers

by Hap Rocketto

I may be Distinguished with both the service and smallbore rifle but I cannot say that I was a distinguished scholar in high school. Both of my high performing daughters finished 12th grade in the top percent or two of their classes and I told them with that we shared that distinction of percentage. However, while they were at the top of their class I was at the other end. They thought I was kidding until I produced a yellowed and tattered photocopy of my high school transcript.

If it were not for George Gregory, Harry Santangello, and Maura Sullivan I might still be stalking the halls of New London High School in search of the 16 credits required for graduation. That triumvirate of “old school” school teachers cajoled and shamed me into applying myself enough to graduate.

Mr. Gregory was my rifle coach for four years and kept me on the straight and narrow with his wise insight.

Mr. Santangello was my drafting teacher and encouraged me at every turn. Years later I found myself in the odd, and slightly uncomfortable position, of being Mr. Santangello’s supervisor while he kept himself busy and picked up a few dollars to supplement his pension by substituting at the school in which I taught.

Miss Sullivan suffered me for three years as I took four of her courses; Ancient History, Europe in the Middle Ages, Modern European History and United States History.

While Coach Gregory and Mr. Santangello were avuncular Miss Sullivan was the opposite side of the coin. Stern and demanding she never let up on me. Within a few weeks of the start of my sophomore year she stopped me on the way out of the door to lunch and bade me to sit in the straight backed wooden chair next to her desk which, under the circumstances, reminded me of the electric chair.

“Mr. Rocketto, you have a good mind.” she said. I perked up because I had gotten far on adolescent charm and an amazing storehouse of trivia. I breathed a mental sigh of relief thinking that I had pulled the wool over the eyes of this flinty old maid and was on my way to charming her into a gentlemanly C.

I was quickly disabused of that notion, “But you are lazy, sloppy and disorganized. I do not tolerate academic slovenliness or wasted potential. You will change your ways or else. Should you continue on your present course you will find yourself in durance vile. Do you understand? Now get on your way and see that we do not have to have another one of these meetings.”

I raced off, not quite knowing what she said but knowing that whatever she said she meant it. I may have skimped on my other subjects but Miss Sullivan’s work was always done on time and to the best of my ability.

Collecting an amazing number of Ds I muddled through the rest of high school. The only thing that kept me eligible to shoot on the rifle team was the As and Bs I earned in drafting and history. Mr. Gregory watched over me. Mr. Santangello encouraged me. Miss Sullivan scared me. I was drawn to these teachers and took every course they offered.

We spent a good deal of time on Henry VIII in Europe in the Middle Ages. One day I had managed to impress Miss Sullivan, a rare feat for anyone let alone me, by reciting the names of the multifaceted and multi-wed king’s six wives in order; Catherine of Aragon, Ann Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr. I scored extra points when I dredged up from my extensive storehouse of trivia a simple rhyme that told how each met her fate: divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, and survived.

The next day she beckoned me and wordlessly pointed to the wooden chair. Searching my guilty conscious I drew a blank. Never the less I was sure that it was going to be the electric chair this time.

Handing me a small pamphlet she said, “Good job yesterday Mr. Rocketto. I know you are a rifle shooter and perhaps you might like to read this little monograph with some attention the lines I have underlined. Now be off with you.” I grabbed the pamphlet with my sweaty hand and took off as if Old Nick himself was after me. As I bolted away it suddenly hit me that Miss Sullivan had given me a compliment. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

Skipping lunch I found a quiet corner to examine the treasure she had bestowed upon me. It was reproduction of a book dedicated to Henry VIII entitled Toxophilus or the Schole or Partitions of Shooting by a courtier named Roger Ascham. It contained a long and elaborate preface where the author sucked up to the king royally. It must have worked because Henry graced Ascham with an annual pension of £10, at the time an amount large enough to purchase a modest house with a tile roof.

I found that the text was a dialogue between Philologus, a man dedicated to study, and Toxophilus, a man dedicated to the bow, who argues that archery is a sport befitting a scholar.

There, underlined with a neat line of red teacher’s ink was an exchange in wherein Philologus asks Toxophilus, “What is the chief point in shooting that every man laboureth to come to?” The bowman simply replied to the scholar “To hit the mark.”

It summed up both my efforts in shooting and my quest to please Miss Sullivan, Mr. Santangello, and Mr. Gregory.

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MA: Open 3P Sectional Results

MA: Open 3P Sectional Results: 2016-ma-3P-sectional (PDF, 2MB)

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VT: Winter Postal, Week 9

VT: Winter Postal, Week 9: 2016-vt-postal-9 (PDF, 108KB)

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CT: Gallery Match Results

CT: Gallery Match Results: 2016-ct-gallery-match (PDF, 1.4MB)

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RI: 2016 Melcher Trophy Match Results

2016 Melcher Trophy Match

The Rhode Island Revolver and Rifle Association 3P State Championship

The Smithfield Sportsman’s Club hosted the NRA sanctioned registered tournament on March 19. It was a tri-state affair with shooters from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island competing.

The match is shot in honor of George S. Melcher, founder of the Rhode Island Marksman Association of Tiverton, who also served as a Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps instructor and rifle coach at Newport’s Rogers High School from 1952 to 1961. Melcher was the RIRRA’s Smallbore Director and, as such, was a competitor and coach at the National Rifle Association Championships. The trophy is awarded to the high Rhode Island resident or shooter in the Rhode Island-Massachusetts Rifle League.

Shooting on the international USA/NRA 50 target Maggie Flanders, of the Taunton Marksmanship Unit opened with a near perfect prone score of 199 just ahead of Jeff Doerschler, of Digby Hand and Joe Graf, of Smithfield who both poster 197s with each shooting a 100, as did Flanders. However Graf’s shot a 98 to Doerschler’s 97 on the final target putting him ahead of the former national champion.

Flanders, using iron sights, hammered out a 186 standing which gave her a significant lead over Doerschler who posted a 178, and Graf at 175. Tyler Glynn, a senior on the Montville Connecticut High School Rifle who shot a second place 177 but trailed the leading trio in prone.

Going into the final 20 shots kneeling Flanders held a nine point edge over Doerschler. Flanders put up a solid 183 in this most uncomfortable of positions for a 568 aggregate. Graf challenged her with a 184 but his standing score left him with a 556 total for the match.

Usually position matches are won standing and lost prone so Flanders was in a pretty good position to sweep the match. This was not the case today. The struggling Doerschler reached deep inside and opened kneeling with a 98 only to improve on his second card, by one point, to make up the deficit and stagger ahead by four points. His 197 gave him a 572 on the day and the match.

Doerschler notched up another win in the Melcher, Flanders was the silver medalist, while the Ocean State’s Graf took home the Melcher Trophy with a 556.


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Western Wildcats-Metallic Sight Aggregate

Western Wildcats-Metallic Sight Aggregate

Author’s Note: My thanks to Kevin Nevius and Rick Curtis for providing the match bulletins. I also apologize for the brief report which focuses on the match winners. At the moment time is scarce so I have attached photographs of the match bulletin so the reader may get a full picture of the action.

Author’s Apology: My old friend Wally Lyman once told me that most problems in a rifle match started because the competitors never read the program. I have compounded that sin as a reporter. As a result there were myriad misstatement and errors in my last report which I hope will be cleared up in this penultimate recap of Wildcat heroics. I can only say that my sins were due to my enthusiasm and ignorance, mea culpa mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, and for no other reason. My punishment was an Email inbox stuffed with reminders of the correct order of firing.

Day three of the Wildcats was the second day of metallic sights, as the match alternates iron and any sight competition, and the close of metallic sight competition.

It was a close run thing at the top with High Master Mike Seery emerging the winner of Match #23, the Wildcat Iron Sight 3200 Champion, with a 3197-257X. Eric Uptagrafft was First Master posting a 3197-255X. Matt Chezem also shot a 3197 and his 246Xs placed him second in the High Master class. Justin Tracy, 3196-250X, closed out High Master money winner.

Richard Fowke and Adrian Harris battled it out for Master class honors with Fowke coming out on top with a 3191-223X to Harris’ 3190-215X.

Expert Mike Allen ran away with his class carding a 3196-236X to the runner up Rob Nabower’s 3174-189X,

Hal Abel was top Sharpshooter, 3144-151X, as Any Sight Only competition was tight with Ed Foley slipping past James Gaines 3191-244X to 3190-248X. Jim Murphy topped the F Class with Andrew Cyr and Jack Arnold in trail, 3165-202X, 3154-88X, and 3149-193X.

The final day of competition to have one’s name engraved upon the elusive and missing Henry Benson Memorial Trophy, possibly safely stored away with the original Palma Trophy and the Lost Ark of the Covenant, begins with Chezem enjoying a 4797-397X lead over Reya Kempley, 4795-394X, Uptagrafft, 4795-384, and Mark DelCotto’s 4795-376X.

Metallic Sight Agg

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Western Wildcats-Day Two and Metallic Aggregate

Western Wildcats-Day Two and Metallic Aggregate

Author’s Note: My thanks to Kevin Nevius and Rick Curtis for providing the match bulletins. I also apologize for the brief report which focuses on the match winners. At the moment time is scarce so I have attached photographs of the match bulletin so the reader may get a full picture of the action.

Shooting a 1600 iron sights is a remarkable accomplishment but you have to scratch your head after such a great performance when you learn you only placed fifth overall.

Such was the case on the second day of the Western Wildcats. Matt Chezem set a torrid pace opening with a 400-39X in the Dewar for the match win. He moved onto 100 yards and nailed down at 400-37X. Tom Allen showed some muscle as he tied Chezem with a 400-38X in the Meter Match and continued his run with a match winning 400-39X at the yard line. At the end of the day Chezem prevailed with a 1600-151X, one X behind the Open National Record and three ahead of the Civilian National Record. Thomas was second on the day with a 144X clean, Steve Goff, Reya Kempley, and Nancy Tompkins also went clean with 139X, 136X, and 128X respectively.

Goff’s first day’s 1599 and a second day 1600 gave him the metallic sight title with a 3199-255X, Chezem put together a 3198-274X for a silver medal performance while 259X 3198 saw Mark Delcotto in third place.

Master Rich Fowke, Grand Senior Ed Foley, James Gaines Unclassified Master, Expert Mike Kelly, Sharpshooter Duane Elms, and F-Class riflemen Jack Arnold all won their classes and categories.

3200 Agg 2016 Western Wildcats Day Two 2016 Western Wildcats

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The Western Wildcats-Day One

The Western Wildcats-Day One

Author’s Note: My thanks to Kevin Nevius for providing the match bulletins. I also apologize for the brief report which focuses on the match winners. At the moment time is scarce so I have attached Kevin’s photographs of the match bulletin so the reader may get a full picture of the action.

The 58th running of the Western Wildcat 6400 Prone Championship got under way with 64 sling and F Class riflemen filling the firing line at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix on March 17. Many of the competitors hoped that the date would prove auspicious and keep any of the resident elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes coiled in their dens.

The tournament has a particular classification system, fittingly so because of the high caliber-pardon the pun, of competitors present. If a competitor is a Distinguished Smallbore Prone Rifleman, a supported athlete, or has have fired five or more 1600/1200 scores they are rated as ‘High Masters” and compete for open awards only.

Conditions were manageable as the match opened with the Metallic sight Dewar. Steve Goff and Nancy Tompkins hammered out a pair of matched 400-36Xs, a 200-19X and a 200-17X that was resolved by the rule book in Goff’s favor. Eric Uptagrafft and Reya Kempley closed out the top four with a 400-35X and 400-34X respectively.

With the targets at 100 yards, and conditions getting a bit more dicey, reigning conventional smallbore prone champion Kevin Nevius posted a 400-36X that outdistanced his nearest competitor, 2009 Roberts team mate Marl DelCotto by an astonishing six Xs. Goff was in third with a 26X clean while Uptagrafft sat fourth, still clean, but with 24Xs.

Competitors hauled the target frames back to 50 meters and hung the toughest target as the range heated up and the wind started to move about. It would still take a 400 to win and Michael Seery, who won the metric iron sight phase of the Metric prone championship, came on strong shooting a 400-31X, only to tie with Peter Church. Seery Creedmoored Church with a higher X count on ten second bull for the win. But Mike Kelly popped out of the Expert class with a match winning 400-32X. Uptagrafft had the Xs but coughed up a point for third High Master at 399-31X.

The target frames were moved for the final time bringing, them 14 feet closer and adorned with the A-23 target. With the last 40 shots to go Delcotto, 1199-93X was in the lead in front of Uptagrafft, 1199-90X, Goff, 1199-84X. Matt Chezem and Seery had emerged to threaten the leaders as they stood at 1198-89X and1198-88X.

After a disappointing Meter Match Kempley roared back with a 400-36X to take the day’s final fired match. Seery posted a 400-35X, DelCotto and Chezem were knotted at 400-34X with the tie going to Delcotto.

When all was said and done DelCotto put together a match winning 1199-127X followed by Goff, 1599-116X, Seery, 158-123X, and Chezem, another 1598-123X but in fourth based on long range score.

Expert Kelly went home in a strong position to threaten as he shot a 1598-122X. Master Rich Fowke and Unclassified Master Ed Foley were also in a position to be players as they each had carded a 1597-111X and 1597-121X.

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2016 NRA National Smallbore Metric Prone Championship Results

The 2016 NRA National Smallbore Metric Prone Championship, hosted by the Desert Sharpshooters, began today under sunny skies and tough switching conditions at the Ben Avery Range, Phoenix, Arizona.

Reya Kempley, no stranger to the winner’s circle, opened the match with a 391-24X in the metallic sight Metric Dewar. She enjoyed a thin margin of victory over Mark Delcotto, a member of the 2009 Roberts Team, and Larry Sawyer who posted a pair of 191-17X for first and second Master respectively. Justin Tracy, a teammate of Delcotto’s on the Roberts Team, was third Master at 389-19X while Allen Thomas closed out the money winners. British Rifleman Expert Mike Arnstein enjoyed both the change of climate and a Expert/Sharpshooter class win, shooting a 384-19X, while Marksman Rob Nabower shot a 379-14X to rake his class. Ray Del Rio topped the F-Class category with an outstanding 398-20.

Richard Fowke, not to be outdone by traveling companion Arnstein, took the iron sight 100 Yard match shooting 391-17X with a rifle of his own design. Air Force Academy alumni Mike Seery was two points behind as first Master, 389-20X, just ahead of second Master Kempley, 389-15X. Third Master was Peter Church shooting a 389-14X while Thomas placed fourth posting a 388-12X. Arnstein continued his control over his class with a 385-14X just as Nabower’s 384-10X held sway over the Marksmen. Del Rio kept a strangle hold on F-Class carding a 395-22X.

With the targets at 50 meters the leaderboard changed with Seery jumping up from second in the 100 Yards to first in the short range match on the back of a 397-23X. Long Range specialist Nancy Tompkins emerged from the pack to take high Master shooting a 393-21X. Tracy notched a 391-23X for second in class while Church, 391-10X, and the Army Marksmanship Unit Erik Uptagrafft, 391-18X, finished third and fourth. Ken Nelson pushed Arnstein aside and took the Expert/Sharpshooter class with a 384-11X. Nabower pulled off a hat trick winning his third class award in as many matches with a 381-12. Former National Guard All Guard shooter John Andres put together a near perfect 399-30X to depose Del Rio and win F Class.

At the end of the day Seery emerged triumphant posting an 1173-58X. Tracy had a four point deficient, 1169-53X placing him first Master. Uptagrafft was right on Tracy’s heels after carding an 1168-52X. Church’s 1168-38X was good for third. Kempley slid into fourth shooting an 1163-52X. As expected Arnstein, 1151-47X, Nabower, 1144-36X, and Del Rio, 1187-63X, ruled their respective classes and category.

With metallic sights in the record book ten NRA Named its 2016 Wakefield Cup Team. The Wakefield is sponsored by the National Smallbore Rifle Association of Great Britain and is the metric equivalent of the Dewar International Trophy Match. Virginia McLemore acted as team captain assisted by coach Ron Wigger. The team consisted of Michael Seery, Justin Tracy, Eric Uptagrafft, Peter Church, Kevin Nevius, Reya Kempley, Larry Sawyer, Mark DelCotto, Allen Thomas, Robert Gustin, and Andrew Krause.

Day two, any sights, has all the makings of a real dog fight with so many at the top just a few points away from each other and, as we all know, in prone shooting humility is often just one shot away. While day one was challenging day two was a nightmare. Dust devils scooted across the range, wind ran between 10 and 20 miles per hours and could not make up its mind which way it wanted to blow as it switched from left to right only to change its mind and run in from 12 o’clock all between the time it took to scope a shot, aim and squeeze.

Tracy seems to have a handle on things as he won the opening Dewar with a 389-22X. The score was two points and two Xs lower than the iron sight winning score which foreshadowed a trying day for all concerned. Uptagrafft was second Master as he shot a 383-14X to give up six points to the leader. Sawyer followed with a 383-13X as Tompkins mustered a 378-16X for third Master. Kempley closed out the class with a 377-13X. Seery suffered a leader’s nightmare as the wind carried away his carefully nurtured iron sight lead. Ken Nelson’s 371-15X broke Arnstein’s run as Expert/Sharpshooter winner with a 362-4X while it was business as usual for Marksman class winner Nabower, a 365-8X. In F-Class Lou Murdica scored his first win shooting a 383-14X.

At 100 yards McLemore,383-15X, out Xed Uptagrafft, 383-10, for the win. Second, third, and fourth Masters were Sawyer, 382-13X, Tompkins, 383-12X, and Church, 380-13X. Nelson’s 362-4X topped the combined class as Nobower closed in on a Marksman class sweep with his 363-4X. F Class shooters were spreading the wealth as Jack Arnold appeared in the winner’s column posting a 383-5X.

Going into the last 40 shots Tracy enjoyed a four point lead over Uptagrafft. If this were a conventional prone match he might breath a bit easy but metric targets in tough conditions made it anyone’s game.

At 50 yards Delcotto came charging forward and posted a 392-22X to win the match. Ron Wigger, from whom little had been heard, posted the high Master score, a 390-18X followed by Tracy, 389-17X, Kempley, 389-15X, and Uptagrafft, 388-16X. Bill Lair made some noise among the Experts/Sharpshooters shooting a winning a 377-6X. Nabower closed out a successful two days in which he dominated the Marksmen with a final score of 373-8X. Yet another F Class rifleman grabbed a bit of glory, this time Bob De Pasque who won the final match with a 391-26X.

With the shooting over ten calculating began to determine the winners. Tracy managed to hold onto his lead to win any sights with a score of 1158-48X relegating Uptagrafft, 1154-40X, to first Master. Sawyer, two points and behind but five Xs ahead of Uptagrafft was second. Tompkins posted an 1146-47X for third. DelCotto’s win in the last match allowed him to edge out Church,1142-41X to 1141-33X, for fourth Master. Nelson consistent performance saw him total an 1107-28X for the Expert Sharpshooter win as Nabower cruised comfortably home winning his class in all three matches, 1101-70X. Andres plugged along all day near the top of the F Class standings to win any sights by a comfortable margin scoring a 1136-45X.

Justin Tracy captured the 2016 NRA Metric Prone Smallbore Rifle National Championship shooting without any real flash, other than shooting more Xs than anyone else, but rather by producing a relatively consistent stream of scores in difficult conditions ending up with a 2327-101X. Eric Uptagrafft, 2322-92X earned the silver as Larry Sawyer rounded out the trio on the podium with a 2315-91X.

Tompkins was first Master followed by Delcotto, Kempley, and Nevius. Arnstein was the Expert/Sharpshooter champion who won by building up a solid lead in iron sights which sustained him through a trying any sight day. Marksman Rob Nabower made a clean sweep of all six fired matches to win his class. It was a close run thing in F-Class with Del Rio, 2325-106X holding of Andres, 2323-104X, for his championship win.

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Native New England Collegiate Shooters Earn 2016 Honors


With the end of the NCAA and NRA Collegiate season comes the recognition of outstanding performances on the range and in the classroom.

NRA All American honors were bestowed on The Ohio State’s senior Remington Lyman who was named to the second team in both smallbore and air rifle. Mackenzie Martin, a freshman at Murray State, also earned second team honors in smallbore and Honorable Mention air while Kentucky junior Sonya May was second team air.

The Colligate Rifle Coaches Association announced its Scholastic All Americans which included The Ohio State’s Lyman, Bailey Urbach, and Brenden Whitaker, Martin from Murray, Akron’s Dani Makucevich and Rebecca Green, and May from Kentucky.

Lyman and Martin both posted combined smallbore and air averages that placed them in ten top 17 of all collegiate shooters.

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Preliminary NRA National Smallbore Metric Prone Championship Results

Preliminary NRA National Smallbore Metric Prone Championship Results

NOTE: This report is based upon preliminary results and may change.

The 2016 NRA National Smallbore Metric Prone Championship, hosted by the Desert Sharpshooters, began today under sunny skies and tough switching conditions at the Ben Avery Range, Phoenix, Arizona.

Reya Kempley, no stranger to the winner’s circle, opened the match with a 391-24X in the metallic sight Metric Dewar. She enjoyed a thin margin of victory over Mark Delcotto, a member of the 2009 Roberts Team, and Larry Sawyer who posted a pair of 191-17X for first and second Master respectively. Justin Tracy, a teammate of Delcotto’s on the Roberts Team, was third Master at 389-19X while Allen Thomas closed out the money winners. British Rifleman Expert Mike Arnstein enjoyed both the change of climate and a class win, shooting a 384-19X, while Marksman Rob Nabower shot a 379-14X to rake his class. Ray Del Rio topped the F-Class category with an outstanding 398-20.

Richard Fowke, not to be outdone by traveling companion Arnstein, took the iron sight 100 Yard match shooting 391-17X with a rifle of his own design. Air Force Academy alumni Mike Seery was two points behind as first Master, 389-20X, just ahead of second Master Kempley, 389-15X. Third Master was Peter Church shooting a 389-14X while Thomas placed fourth posting a 388-12X. Arnstein continued his control over the Experts with a 385-14X just as Nabower’s 384-10X held sway over the Marksmen. Del Rio kept a strangle hold on F-Class carding a 395-22X.

With the targets at 50 meters the leaderboard changed with Seery jumping up from second in the 100 Yards to first in the short range match on the back of a 397-23X. Long Range specialist Nancy Tompkins emerged from the pack to take high Master shooting a 393-21X. Tracy notched a 391-23X for second in class while Church, 391-10X, and the Army Marksmanship Unit Erik Uptagrafft, 391-18X, finished third and fourth. Ken Nelson pushed Arnstein aside and took the Expert class with a 384-11X. Nabower pulled off a hat trick winning his third class award in as many matches with a 381-12. Former National Guard All Guard shooter John Andres put together a near perfect 399-30X to depose Del Rio and win F Class.

At the end of the day Seery emerged triumphant posting an 1173-58X. Tracy had a four point deficient, 1169-53X placing him first Master. Church’s 1168-38X was good for second. Reigning National Conventional Smallbore Champion Kevin Nevius was third, 1164-38X, Kempley slid into fourth shooting an 1163-52X. A press time there was a scoring issue being ironed out which might push Uptagrafft up into the money displacing Kempley. As expected Arnstein, 1151-47X, Nabower, 1144-36X, and Del Rio, 1187-63X, ruled their respective classes and category.

Day two, any sights, has all the makings of a real dog fight with so many at the top just a few points away from each other and, as we all know, in prone shooting humility is often just one shot away.

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GA: RBGC Prone 1600, Mar 19, Apr 16

GA: RBGC Prone 1600, Mar 19, Apr 16: 2016 RBGC SB CONVENTIONAL tournament program (NRA Approved) March, April 2016 (PDF, 71KB)

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VT: Winter Postal, Week 8

VT: Winter Postal, Week 8: 2016-vt-postal-8 (PDF, 109KB)

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March 2016 Issue of Shooting Sports USA

The latest issue of Shooting Sports USA is available here.

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CT: JORC Warm-Up, April 2-3

CT: JORC Warm-Up, April 2-3: BRC Apr JO WarmUp PTO 2016 (PDF, 134KB)

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VT: Winter Postal, Week 7

VT: Winter Postal, Week 7: 2016-vt-postal-7 (PDF, 109KB)

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