New Website

As you can see, I decided to change the format of the HPM website. I stole the idea from Rick Johnson’s OH match website/blog. The blog format is useful to me for a number of reasons but most importantly it is the ability to update the site from any computer or my iPhone (I know, Geeky). Being able to update the site from anywhere with ease should make for a more useful and dynamic experience (for you the visitor). This site will still largely serve (as it always has) to act as a score board for the HPM matches, but I plan on adding some other content as well (match bulletins, results, etc). The blog format also allows people to leave comments in relation to my posts…I’m not sure if that’s a feature that will really be used, time will tell. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed for the site (if you don’t know what a RSS feed is, you can learn more here).

About H

Dan started shooting competitive smallbore in 1986. During his Junior career, he earned two national junior team titles as well as local and regional wins. After a 10 year year hiatus to attend college and start a family, Dan returned to the sport and has added local, sectional and regional wins to his shooting resume. Dan is a Distinguished Rifleman, National Record Holder, U.S Dewar Team Member, Black Hawk Rifle Club Member, Digby Hand Schützenverein member, and is the founder of He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and 2 children.
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