Category Archives: Hap’s Corner

A Good Excuse Worth a Minute of Wind

by Hap Rocketto One of the great weights that have been lifted from my shoulders since I retired from the National Guard and left the All Guard Shooting program is the need for excuses. It seemed you always had to … Continue reading

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And He Was Asking Me?

by Hap Rocketto When I was a young cub chasing Distinguished there were many of my fellow shooters who looked upon my quest as a life misspent. One who would give me an occasional good natured jab about the barbaric … Continue reading

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by Hap Rocketto My wife Margaret and I pried ourselves out of the vintage and uncomfortable seats that fill Ward High School’s overused, undersized, and outdated auditorium. We very much like the local productions and attend them with regularity and … Continue reading

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Attention to Detail

by Hap Rockettto Years ago at the start of my first war, I was a Naval Aviation Officer Candidate. I was much younger, somewhat slimmer, and, in the words of Roberto Valdez, “I didn’t know no better.” Under the tender … Continue reading

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Maybe the Sport is Older than I Think

by Hap Rocketto Much of the world unfortunately, and incorrectly, views shooters in a less than a favorable stereotypical light. Popular culture and political correctness paint an image of criminals, and knuckle dragging, tobacco chewing, illiterate troglodytes armed to the … Continue reading

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Basketball Versus Shooting

by Hap Rocketto I married into a Rhode Island family that is loaded with male sports fans. Baseball, basketball, football, soccer, golf, hockey, tennis, lacrosse; you name it and their huge plasma TVs blare it forth almost 24 hours a … Continue reading

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First the Palma, now the Digby Hand Trophy

by Hap Rocketto One of the great pleasures of the annual sojourn to Camp Perry is visiting both the National Rifle Association and the Civilian Marksmanship Program Trophy Rooms. It is a bit sad that more people do not visit … Continue reading

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A Saucy Student, a Hot Sauce, and a Hot Shooter

by Hap Rocketto It was towards the end of a quarter and I was conducting a review for my junior Physics class. There are two types of science; qualitative, which is the science taught to elementary school-naming the season or … Continue reading

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Barret Browning-A Story of a Gun and a Poem

by Hap Rocketto As a pair of retired gentlemen my brother and I occasionally enjoy a convivial day together in which we spend the morning shooting, enjoy a good lunch, and then spend the balance of the afternoon enveloped in … Continue reading

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A Reporter’s Tools

by Hap Rocketto In my most grandiose daydreams about my writing I like to reflect that Mark Twain, one of my favorite authors, and I have much in common. We both lived in Connecticut, were educated in Missouri, we both … Continue reading

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A Chapter of Accidents

by Hap Rocketto As the supervisor of a high school academic department, which includes both chemical labs and art supplies, I find safety an issue that is always in the back of my mind. In the 18 years since my … Continue reading

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Things Are Seldom What They Seem

by Hap Rocketto The Lord Roberts Centre at Bisley Camp is the home of the National Smallbore Rifle Association of Great Britain. It is a very tidy building that was erected for the Commonwealth Games and houses the offices of … Continue reading

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You May Talk O’ Gin An’ Beer

You May Talk O’ Gin An’ Beer by Hap Rocketto There probably isn’t a shooter in the world that hasn’t been through some sort of cessation of fire. The most common reason is severe rain. Matches are often held up, … Continue reading

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If You March Your Winter Journeys

I am in awe of the great adventurers who explored the high latitudes… Continue reading

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The Lord and Lyman

by Hap Rocketto Recently I had an article printed in another shooting publication. The piece was about Colonel Bill Brophy, a legend in both the high power and Marlin collector community. Part of the article related the fact that Brophy … Continue reading

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Kid Colt and I: The Corsican Brothers

by Hap Rocketto Teamwork is an important part of shooting. Perhaps the most sterling example of the necessity for well-oiled teamwork is found in high power shooting and, in particular, the arcane art of Palma Match competition. Palma Match competition … Continue reading

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The Worst of the Best

by Hap Rocketto Leah, my youngest daughter, is a student at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Communication majoring in Magazine Journalism. I say this both as a proud parent and to set the stage for the following story. Syracuse … Continue reading

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The Exploding Apron

by Hap Rocketto Last summer a local market, Sandy’s Fine Fruit Emporium, where my wife is a loyal customer, hired my daughter Sarah. I am sure, or like to think, that the fact that Sarah is a hard worker had … Continue reading

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A Cease Fire that was out of the Ordinary

by Hap Rocketto Shooting range safety is serious stuff. All good ranges have safety procedures and mechanisms in place to prevent interlopers from crossing the firing line when the range is hot. In some places it is a simple hinged … Continue reading

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Waste Not, Want Not

by Hap Rocketto When I was a young pup, first on the All National Guard Smallbore Rifle Team, I was amazed at how well they took care of us. We were supplied with fancy team clothing, rifles, sights, rifle and … Continue reading

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I Don’t Want to be Strung Along about Ammo

Some times shooting advice comes from odd places and at odd times… Continue reading

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