Category Archives: Hap’s Corner

The Lake Erie Dead Zone

By Hap Rocketto It was a dreary Sunday early in October and we were heading up to Blue Trail Range for a Connecticut Big Bore League make up match.  It had rained cats and dogs in April on the day … Continue reading

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Good Gear does not always a Good Shooter Make

By Hap Rocketto As a rule I am a very patient sort of guy with people I am meeting for the first time, especially if they are new shooters.  I was a tyro once myself and learned a great deal … Continue reading

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Initial Preference

Initial Preference By Hap Rocketto While sitting in the dentist’s office, awaiting a routine cleaning, I was surprised to find a magazine which was not yet old enough to be eligible for Medicaid.  Amid the haystack like pile of typical … Continue reading

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The Wussification of the High Power Shooter

The Wussification of the High Power Shooter By Hap Rocketto American high power shooting has gone through many changes, much of it evolutionary and the natural progression of technological development. The earliest shooters used matchlocks which led to the snaphaunce, … Continue reading

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An Army Breakfast is no Mess to Haul….

An Army Breakfast is no Mess to Haul…. by Hap Rocketto In my salad days, when I was green in judgment, I did a cruise in the Navy and a hitch in the Army. The one consistent element, other than … Continue reading

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Concentration By Hap Rocketto  Concentration is a critical skill in shooting. One must be able to shut out a variety of outside distractions while still maintaining an acute situational awareness of things going on about you. We even use earplugs … Continue reading

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Oh, Yes I have….

Oh, Yes I have…. By Hap Rocketto Giuseppe Paolo DiMaggio, Jr. and Norma Jeane Mortenson were on a honeymoon visit to Japan in January of 1954 when Norma, more popularly known as Marilyn Monroe, was asked to entertain US troops … Continue reading

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Honor was the Mead of Victory…

Honor was the Mead of Victory… By Hap Rocketto Every year, like clockwork, it seems that about the time of the various National Championships, be they the Civilian Marksmanship Program, the National Rifle Association, or USA Shooting, the various shooting … Continue reading

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New Shooter Coming Out…

New Shooter Coming Out… By Hap Rocketto The Old Man was a great many things besides being an amazingly tolerant and understanding father. Most of all he was a raconteur, whose tales could sometimes reach Munchhausen proportions, yet were always … Continue reading

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Not all shooting need be down range…

Not all shooting need be down range… By Hap Rocketto Editor-in-Chief, (a subsidiary of CPL Digby Hand Schützenverein International) One of the biggest moments in, what is laughingly known as, my shooting career is the day I got to … Continue reading

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