Category Archives: Hap’s Corner

The Socioeconomic Origins of the Angle Police

by Hap Rocketto The collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall combined to touch off a chain of events that threatened to change the face of American Conventional Prone Shooting forever. Why events in Europe … Continue reading

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An Article of the Highest Caliber

by Hap Rocketto I am sure that you are like many people who notice when little technical things in stories, or movies, are not quite right. If you are a SCUBA diver you might notice that the character is wearing … Continue reading

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On the Shoulders of Giants

by Hap Rocketto Each year, at the National Smallbore Rifle Championships, with a gaggle of unenthusiastic juniors in tow, I make for the NRA Trophy Room to insure that the kids see these magnificent works of art and begin to … Continue reading

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Law is a Bottomless Pit

by Hap Rocketto I shot my first long-range match in 1972 at the Colonie Club outside of Albany, New York. I was working in a small private school in New Jersey and was going to meet my fellow shooters from … Continue reading

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Thank You for Calling Microsoft

by Hap Rocketto Decision making and problem solving are two very important skills a shooter must have to be successful. Each time a shooter prepares to release a shot though the process of the integrated act of shooting a great … Continue reading

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The Real Trophies are in Here

by Hap Rocketto Some years ago, when I was a young pup, my National Guard Rifle Team won the US Army Combat Rifle Championships. Each shooter was given a small Blackington medal and a handshake by the general. Back in … Continue reading

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You can’t buy them, they must be earned

by Hap Rocketto There are a few of Lee Marvin movies that I very much enjoy, in part because he was an excellent actor and in part because of the story line. The Professionals, Heck in the Pacific, Cat Ballou, … Continue reading

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His Parting Shot Was His Best Shot

by Hap Rocketto There is pleasure in being a necromancer. I recently resurrected Harry Seeburger. You will remember that Harry was the character that vainly chased Distinguished designation for more than four decades. Some years ago he went on to … Continue reading

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Right Between the Running Lights

by Hap Rocketto When I was a young unmarried pup I usually went to Camp Perry for the both phases of the smallbore matches, The DCM Board Matches, NRA High power, and rounded out the stay with attendance at the … Continue reading

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Moe and Sir Isaac Knew

by Hap Rocketto It may be a small footnote in shooting history, but it is my footnote. I took Art Jackson to his Camp Perry finale. After several years of cajoling I finally convinced Art that he should shoot the … Continue reading

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Shooting, A Great Fortune

by Hap Rocketto I am fortunate in that I have known some of the great smallbore shooters of both the modern era and what might be called the “Golden Era” of shooting of the 1940s to 1960s. One of the … Continue reading

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Lenny, Karl Marx, and the Eley Brothers…

by Hap Rocketto The world is full many unusual coincidences, perhaps chief among them is the occasional shot loosed from my rifle that strikes the X ring as it meanders into the bullet’s path.  Another is the way that a … Continue reading

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Rising to the Challenge

by Hap Rocketto In smallbore prone shooting there seems to be an underlying current of thought that if you can’t win the match on the firing line you might stand a chance in the stat shack.  This belief seems to … Continue reading

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Colonels are Methodist, Married or Mad

by Hap Rocketto A lull in the firing, as I sat behind the line as a scorer during the 2005 Pershing Match, allowed my mind to part its moorings from the job at hand and drift into distant waters. Idle … Continue reading

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Broken Record, T.S. Eliot, and Me…

by Hap Rocketto Three weeks before my 18th birthday, in January of 1965, the poet Thomas Sterns Eliot died. Oddly enough his wife Vivian died in January of 1947 within a few days of my birthday. Regardless of these curious … Continue reading

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The “Tutsie-Fruitsie” Wagon

by Hap Rocketto My loyal fans will remember that I am a classic movie fan.  I have just finished watching the Marx Brothers’  A Day At The Races.  While trying to regain my breath after the gut wrenching comedy a … Continue reading

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The Good Old Days

by Hap Rocketto When I made my first trip to Camp Perry I was overwhelmed by the long awaited and anticipated experience.  Day after day of shooting, free meals three times a day in the Mess Hall, a Spartan but … Continue reading

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The Feng Shui of the Shooting Mat

by Hap Rocketto It was a typical early morning ride to a rifle match.  As the sun was breaking free of the horizon I was at the wheel, as always.  My brother Steve was riding shotgun and was awash, as … Continue reading

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A Gunrunner in the Family

by Hap Rocketto When I was about 12 years old The Old Man got tired of catching me in the spider webs of untruths that I regularly spun to avoid, unsuccessfully I might add, being punished for the illicit acts … Continue reading

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A Breif Tale of Cleaning Patches

by Hap Rocketto My brother is fond of giving books for presents and passed a volume entitled Floating off the Page to me for my last birthday.  It contains a series of articles taken from the Wall Street Journal’s “middle … Continue reading

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Doughnuts, is there anything they can’t do?

By Hap Rocketto During Perry 2001 I bumped into Jeff Doerschler at the NRA Smallbore Committee meeting and found that he had made the Dewar Team, but had yet to secure a coach.  The person he most likely would have … Continue reading

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