Call for Mini Articles

Chip Lohman, Editor of Shooting Sports USA, is putting out a call for mini articles, about 300-400 words, on shooting coaching tips. This is a chance for coaches to share their favorite tips to a national audience and to pick up a few dollars in the process.

Lohman will assist any would be author with setup work and photographs. A draft copy will be provided to the author prior to publication for final tune up.

A few examples:

–        Using a “summary target” where a target is left up for an entire practice while others are stapled on and then removed, yielding a pattern for the entire session.

–        Using an eye dropper to illustrate to pistol shooters the proper focus on the front sight and a gentle trigger squeeze

…and any other practice tips, match strategies or equipment set-up advice.

Lohman can be reached at


About Hap Rocketto

Hap Rocketto is a Distinguished Rifleman with service and smallbore rifle, member of The Presidents Hundred, and the National Guard’s Chief’s 50. He is a National Smallbore Record holder, a member of the 1600 Club and the Connecticut Shooters’ Hall Of Fame. He was the 2002 Intermediate Senior Three Position National Smallbore Rifle Champion, the 2012 Senior Three Position National Smallbore Rifle Champion a member of the 2007 and 2012 National Four Position Indoor Championship team, coach and captain of the US Drew Cup Team, and adjutant of the United States 2009 Roberts and 2013 Pershing Teams. Rocketto is very active in coaching juniors. He is, along with his brother Steve, a cofounder of the Corporal Digby Hand Schützenverein. A historian of the shooting sports, his work appears in Shooting Sports USA, the late Precision Shooting Magazine, The Outdoor Message, the American Rifleman, the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s website, and most recently, the apogee of his literary career,
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