Author Archives: H

About H

Dan started shooting competitive smallbore in 1986. During his Junior career, he earned two national junior team titles as well as local and regional wins. After a 10 year year hiatus to attend college and start a family, Dan returned to the sport and has added local, sectional and regional wins to his shooting resume. Dan is a Distinguished Rifleman, National Record Holder, U.S Dewar Team Member, Black Hawk Rifle Club Member, Digby Hand Schützenverein member, and is the founder of He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and 2 children.

4P and 3P Sectional Updates

Both the post on the 3P Sectional and the 4P sectional have been updated with some new pictures (thanks, Nicole). There is also a write-up  for the 4-position match.

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RI 4P Sectional

Massasoit Rifle Club sponsored its third NRA smallbore rifle sectional of the year on Sunday February 22 and the third time was the charm for Rhode Island’s geriatric rifleman Hap Rocketto.

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RI 3P Open Sectional

This weekend (February 14th and 15th) was the 3P Open Sectional in East Providence. Below are a couple

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Vote for our new domain name

Well, we got a number of suggestions on what our new domain name might be. Some names were unavailable but some of the available names are listed below.     Vote for the domain name you like best ( surveys)

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Reading Rifle Smallbore Prone Matches

If you’re up in the North Shore-ish area of MA, the Tricketts are running some 100 yard smallbore prone matches on Thursdays this summer. The course of fire is the same as the Hopkinton matches, 40 shots at 100 yards. … Continue reading

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Say Cheese!

Want to have a fancy picture of yourself next to your comment when you post on a website? It’s called a Gravatar and all you have to do is go to and upload a picture and you’re done!

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The after-match…

Regarding the RI 3P Sectional, I forgot to mention that after the match, many of us went over to Miller’s Roast Beef and ate copious amounts of cow.  Lunchtime topics of conversation included: • The history of the NRA National … Continue reading

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RI 4P Sectional

Don’t forget that there are a few slots left for the RI 4P Sectional this Sunday. The sitting stage is only 20 shots on the A-17…c’mon!

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New Match Calendar

The other day Rick Johnson sent me an email suggesting that should have a calendar that has upcoming matches and events on it.  It’s a great idea but I was struggling with the best way to implement it on the … Continue reading

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2009 Hopkinton Prone Match Season

The dates for this year’s Hopkinton Prone Matches have been finalized. The format will remain the same; 40 shots at 100 yards followed by a gourmet dinner, all for $5. This year we will be shooting every Thursday April through August (rather than every … Continue reading

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2009 CT Indoor 3-P State Championships

Lisette Grunwell just sent out the match bulletin for the CT Indoor 3-P State Championship on April 4th at Niantic Sportsmen’s Club. You can download it here.

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Lou Dobbs Report

An interesting segment about gun-owner concerns about the Obama administration on the Lou Dobbs Report.

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Jim Scoutten Interviews

There are some interesting video interviews with Jim Scoutten (host of the Shooting USA TV show) posted on the Outdoor Television website. There are 6 videos, and he discusses everything from the Obama factor, increased gun sales, to increased NRA memberships.  You … Continue reading

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New Year Dewar Match

Well today was the scheduled day for the annual New Year Dewar Match at Hopkinton. However, all of the snow and ice over the last few weeks has made the target frame holders inaccessible–too bad because it was a mild 17º … Continue reading

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I just had to share this one! Apparently “many customers are ordering one for each side of the bed.” 

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2009 Smallbore Rule Changes

The NRA has posted the smallbore rifle rule changes for 2009. You can view them here.

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What’s in a name?

I’m considering a domain name change for Seeing as this website encompasses more that just smallbore prone, I thought I’d open it up to suggestions for new domain names from the readership. So…leave a comment below with your suggestion….

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For Sale: AHG Swing Sling

SOLD Paid $109.50 from Neal Johnson’s. Used for 3 months and it has some normal wear marks and scratches, otherwise good condition. Price: $60, free shipping. Email me or use the contact page if you’re interested.

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Firearms Insurance

Following up on a post about firearms insurance I made this past summer, I notice that USA Shooting is now offering insurance to members. I haven’t compared this insurance to a typical homeowner’s rider, but I thought I would pass the info along.  … Continue reading

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Over the weekend (I think), I will be upgrading the software that runs So don’t freakout if the site looks a little different or the site doesn’t load for a bit. UPDATE: The software has been updated. I am … Continue reading

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Upcoming matches in Rhode Island

Nicole Panko is once again hosting some sectionals at Massasoit in RI this year. Jan 24 & 25: 3P International Sectional Feb 14 & 15: 3P Open Sectional Feb 21 & 22: 4P Open Sectional Mar 14 & 15: Governor’s Cup … Continue reading

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