2013 International Postal Match Results

from Edie Fleeman

Below, recently received from the NSRA, are the results of the various postal matches for 2013.

For Randle, we need to congratulate our friends across the pond for their one point win over us. Our team officials this year were Wendy Wells and Diana Timberlake LeFrancois.

USA’s Dewar (Captain Carolyn Millard Sparks, Coach Paul Gideon) and Drew (Captain Caitlin Morrissey) teams may revel in their victories!

The Wakefield (Captain Walt Walter, Coach Bill Beard) has been fired at the Metric National Championships and is for teams of 10 shooters plus officials just like Dewar.

2013-International-Postal-Scores (PDF, 49KB)


About H

Dan started shooting competitive smallbore in 1986. During his Junior career, he earned two national junior team titles as well as local and regional wins. After a 10 year year hiatus to attend college and start a family, Dan returned to the sport and has added local, sectional and regional wins to his shooting resume. Dan is a Distinguished Rifleman, National Record Holder, U.S Dewar Team Member, Black Hawk Rifle Club Member, Digby Hand Schützenverein member, and is the founder of pronematch.com. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and 2 children.
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