The purpose of the “Shooter Spotlight” is to help shooters get to know their fellow competitors a little bit better. We cover a wide range of shooters from “Marksman to Master.” This is the 32nd interview in the series.
Where to you call home?
Currans Hill, which is about 45km (28 mile) south west of Sydney.
How did you get involved in shooting competitively?
I got introduced to the sport by a mate in high school. A year or so later, I got serious and decided to see how far I could get in the sport!
What is a little known fact about yourself that your fellow competitors might not know?
Before “finding” the sport of smallbore, I played a lot of tennis and I wanted to represent Australia in the Davis Cup.
What do you consider your finest shooting achievement.
I really have several. 1st one is shooting a equal finals world record in Beijing in 2008, 2nd one was shooting a 600 in the Sydney world Cup and the Olympic Bronze in Beijing.
What is your favorite pre-match meal?
Light breakfast, cereal and orange juice.
What is your favorite post match drink?
Water! With the warm temperatures in Australia, it is easy to dehydrate while competing.
Do you have a favorite shooting range?
My favorite range would be Beijing. I’ve had 3 medals from 3 competitions there!
Do you have any short term and/or long term goals?
Yes, short term goals are to win some world cups, mid goals would be to get a Quota place at the World Championships this year if I can. Then my long term goal is to try to improve my placeing at the next Olympic games.
What shooting skill are currently focusing your energy on?
I’m not working on anything in particular at the moment.
Thanks Warren for sharing a little bit about yourself with the community!